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Training was absolute hell. Adam hadn't expected otherwise, though.

A few weeks after they'd been issued their Genesis Identification Cards, their names were implemented into the compound's database, effectively making them official Genesis agents.

They'd even been given their own codenames. He'd chosen the name Remnant.

Unfortunately, that now meant that he and the others had to train like a high-ranking Genesis operative.

His arm was getting tired, as he'd been holding it in the same position for over 10 minutes. Sweat began pouring down from his hairline. He'd gained a decent amount of control over his telekinetic powers, allowing himself to levitate and hover about 6 feet off the ground.

Kai had been elected leader of their team, and had told Adam to focus on honing his telekinetic abilities to the point where they'd be strong enough to counter Ajax's.

He didn't think that was possible, but he'd try anyways. Besides, he wanted to become more useful to the team in general. On the last mission, he hadn't been able to really contribute to the fight, but he promised himself that he would on the next one.

That wasn't what was bugging him, though. What was bugging him was whatever was in those crates on the aircraft. Genodium was already out of the question, so it had to have been something else.

They'd interrogated the detained Primus soldiers in The Crypt-the facility's newly built containment unit for superhumans-but none of them would talk.

Perhaps Elias was planning to build some sort of contraption, and he needed that equipment in the crates in order to achieve his goal. Adam didn't know, but he was determined to find out.

After all, he'd always wanted to be a detective, so maybe this would be the start of his career.

"Hello? Earth to Remnant!" Dylo called, waving his hand in front of his older teammate's face as he attempted to get his attention. He'd been calling the guy's name for the last five minutes. Amber and Leo chuckled at the sight.

"What is it now?" Adam grumbled, smacking the kid's hand from out of his face as he brushed the side of his hair.

"Agent Owens told us to meet him in The Grid for our first battle simulation. Were you even listening?" Amber said as she chuckled, picking up her quiver and bow that she'd gotten from the War Room.

"And knowing him, he's probably already down there, so I think we should get moving." Leo added, picking up his staff. While he did want to see what the simulation was like, he'd rather stay up there in The Battleground-the facility's new training center designed especially for superhumans.

It housed a rock wall and weight room to improve strength, a shooting range for accuracy, a running track for speed, and various sparring mats.

He needed work in all of the above.

Leo had chosen a bo staff, which was comprised of titanium. He'd always liked being well-rounded and versatile in the classroom, so he figured that he'd apply that same principle to combat.

The staff was always Leo's favorite weapon in comic books, as he was a huge fan of tools that could be used for both offensive and defensive purposes. With this weapon, he was by far the most versatile member of the group.

But another reason he'd chosen the weapon was because of one of his new abilities he'd discovered shortly after their botched assault on Primus. By manipulating electromagnetic fields, he could use this ability to call his bo staff to him from a distance of about 25 feet.

Only one thing was holding him back from becoming an effective combatant-hesitance. Amber had witnessed it firsthand during their attack on Primus. The guy couldn't move a muscle during combat, no matter how much he wanted to.

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now