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Dylo thought he would've gotten used to the cold by now.

The chilling, crisp air seeped through his slim bio-suit as the boy shivered. His teeth chattering, an annoyed sigh left the blonde's cracked lips as he cut his eyes over to Eliza.

She'd purposely turned off the heat in the aircraft to make sure that the team "stayed alert" or something like that. Ugh, what a hard-ass.

Fortunately, he'd learned a few neat tricks that would come in handy. Being the only member of the team that hadn't received an upgrade from Director Callan in The Cortex, he'd decided to put himself to work and learn more about his abilities.

Over the past few months, Dylo had begun to realize that there were more important things going on in the world than finding the killer of his parents. After witnessing the beating Kai had received from Ajax, he'd decided to put that goal to the side so he could focus on defeating him.

In a way, he felt that he'd become less selfish.

Because of his powers, Dylo now possessed complete control of his entire molecular structure, which added a few neat abilities to his arsenal.

After being subjected to bit of molecular physics by Leo, he'd learned that he could alter the speed at which his own molecules vibrated, allowing him to manipulate and alter his own body temperature.

He began to vibrate his anatomy at such a speed that he generated a decent amount of heat-enough to counteract the severely decreased temperatures of the surrounding area. A sound similar to that of a spinning helicopter blade graced his ears as he exhaled in comfort, smiling to himself. He felt like he was around a campfire on Christmas morning, bundled up beneath his blanket.

"Are we there yet?" He asked Adam, impatiently tapping his foot on the metallic floor of the aircraft as he looked out the window.

"That's the fifth time you've asked me that, dude." Adam grumbled as the boy knocked his train of thought right off of it's tracks. "I have no idea why it's taking so long. We'll get there when we get there."

"Eh, guess you're right. Your hair alone is probably weighing down the entire jet, anyways." Dylo snickered as leaned back in his seat and put his feet up on the one front of him.

Adam paid the freckled boy no mind as he stared endlessly out the window at the surrounding scenery. Their squad was headed to one of the Primus bases in Canada, and while their jet could get there in about 2 hours tops, it was still enough time for him to think.

He knew he could trust Director Callan, but Dr. Matthews was definitely hiding something from them, and he seemed to be the only one that picked up on it.

Somehow, he could just sense that the guy was withholding the truth from he and the others, like he was a human lie detector. He'd attempted to read the man's mind multiple times, but every attempt had been met with failure.

He'd already made up his mind. While Eliza, Bianca and Dylo did all the fighting, he'd be searching for whatever Dr. Matthews didn't want to be found.

His body registered a jolt as the aircraft's wheels made contact with the ground. They would've been spotted and shot out of the sky already if it weren't for the jet's built-in cloaking device.

"Everyone remember your roles?" Eliza asked, her hand firmly clasped around the hilt of one of her daggers.

The three of them nodded.

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now