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"This is gonna be awesome!" Dylo gushed as he looked around the metallic room clogged with aircrafts. "Well, unless some crazy supervillain figures out my secret weakness."

"And that would be?" Adam asked, giving the boy a puzzled glare. He actually wanted to hear this.

"Chocolate cake." The speedster answered with a smug grin.

"We're doomed." Grunted an annoyed Adam, pinching the bridge of his nose as he shut his eyes.
Leo chuckled at their conversation, slowly beginning to warm up to his teammates. Amber was happy that he was finally coming out of his shell.

"This right here is our ride." Agent Owens stated as he patted the exterior of the giant, metal aircraft.

"Is that thing made of Chromanium too?" Kai asked, puffing out his chest as if he were some sort of superhero.

"I wish." Owens answered. "We used the last of it for your suit."

"Right this way." Dr. Matthews ushered them into their aircraft swiftly. "We have no time to waste. Remember to refer to each other by your codenames to conceal your identities."

The team quickly got on board and strapped into their seats, ready for takeoff. "What happens if this goes wrong?" Amber asked Kai.

"Well, in a worst case scenario, Ajax and the rest Primus either escapes with Eliza or kills her." Kai answered.

"Well, that's comforting to know." Dylo sarcastically remarked, getting a couple laughs from around him. He hadn't intended to make anyone laugh. His jokes distracted him from the tightness of the straps, which were slowly making him claustrophobic.

"Hey, I was just being real." Kai replied with a smirk.

"Yeah, a real pain in the ass." Dylo countered once again as his leader playfully scowled at him. While he was a bit of a goofball, Kai was pleased to have the boy around. His humor helped counter the stress that was clearly present in all of them.

"Drop us off about a quarter-mile from the building so we can get into position." Kai told the pilot as the plane began traverse the runway, slowly gaining speed. "Roger that." The pilot answered as the aircraft began to gain lift, soon taking off into the cold sky.

When Dylo finally became airborne, he felt the G-force acting on him. It felt like someone was pressing him down gently. As the aircraft slowly ascended, the boy felt his ears popping. He swallowed, causing the effect to slowly go away.

"So, how long do you think this is gonna take?" He impatiently asked the pilot as he rocked back and forth, trying readjust his seatbelt. He couldn't stop moving, as it kept him calm when in stressful situations. The power of super speed really fit the kid like a glove.

"We're nearly there already." The pilot answered, "all we have to do is-"

The pilot was the cut off by a hollow-tipped bullet crashing through the glass and straight through his skull, killing him instantly as he collapsed to the ground. His blood began spreading, enveloping the floor of the aircraft.

"Fuck!" Dylo shouted in horror as he desperately tried to unbuckle himself frantically. His claustrophobia began to kick in once more. He felt like he couldn't breathe. That, coupled with his fear of flying, made Dylo feel as if he would soon pass out.

"Where the hell did that come from?!" Troy asked, straining himself trying to look out the window.

"Ground-level. Shit. We've been comprised!" Exclaimed Kai as he busted through his straps and began unlocking everyone else's. Even though the boy had thought something like this would happen, he hadn't told the others because he didn't want them to panic.

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now