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"Was that button supposed to do something? Cause I didn't see any-" Dylo was then cut off by jolting shake of the ground beneath them. He fell backwards, landing right on his posterior as Kai laughed at him.

The floors opened up like elevator doors, with things like punching bags, targets and sparring mats emerging from the darkness within. Other equipment such as bench press stations and treadmills were also present.

"This area was previously used to train our agents, to ensure that they'd be ready for anything. But now, since you've arrived, we had to reconfigure and redesign everything to withstand your extraordinary capabilities." Dr. Matthews stated. "So, we have no time to waste, my friends! Let's get started."

Kai immediately began heading over to the bench press, starting off with 1 ton. After benching that amount with ease, he decided to add another ton to the barbell. And after benching that with some difficulty, he cockily smiled to himself, intending to increase the weight to a maximum of 7 tons.

He knew that it was logical to simply work his way up, but he didn't have time for that. He had to hone his abilities to their maximum potential if he really wanted to take down Ajax.

He desperately yearned for a rematch between the two of them.

The boy's armored suit fitted him perfectly as his corded muscles rippled. He'd rolled the sleeves up so he wouldn't get too hot. He felt the numb sensation of his clammy, callus-ridden hands grasped the cold titanium bar. Bullets of sweat poured down from his hair into his eyes, slightly stinging them as he blinked rapidly.

Bianca gawked at the boy's toned physique as his muscles flexed, looking as if they'd soon burst through his skin. Every vein bulged through his bulletproof exterior. The girl wanted to look inconspicuous, but her eyes were magnetized to his immaculate musculature.

He grit his teeth as his muscle fibers contracted with immeasurable force. Tensing up, he was pleased as he watched the bar slowly rise from his chest, eventually feeling his joints lock as his aching arms ceased motion. The seams of his suit emitted a red, lustrous glow.

The young man smiled to himself as he realized just how strong he was. While 7,000 pounds was definitely a great deal heavier than it had seemed, he bet that if his car had been there, he could've benched it with slight difficulty.

But now wasn't the time to get a big head. His main objective was to defeat Ajax, and nothing could distract him from it. He couldn't let anymore people die by his hands.

Dylo traversed the supercharged treadmill, his body blurring as he moved at a jogging pace of about 300 miles per hour. But that wasn't enough. It never was.

He hated running, because it made him think of his parents, but he attempted to use their deaths as motivation. After all, he needed to get faster if they were going to fight that Ajax guy.

Speeding up, he eventually reached 600 miles per hour, his limit.

Slowing down and eventually stopping, he got off the treadmill, exhausted as the yellow glow of his seams faded. "You know, you almost went supersonic there, Dylo." Dr. Matthews said as he loomed over him. "You do know what supersonic means, right?"

"Oh yeah, 'course I do, doc. Isn't it that fast food place?" Replied Dylo, now on his knees and panting.

"Um, no." Matthews replied.

"Oh. Then enlighten me." Dylo panted in between heavy breaths.

Dr. Matthews continued anyways. "You've barely scratched the surface of your powers. Remember when I told you that you were the only one that was affected in both a physical way, and psychological way? What I was referring to is your accelerated perception."

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now