Chapter 3: Second Day of Driving

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Virgil's POV

The next time I open my eyes there's light streaming in through the curtains. Ugh, why did I get the bed closest to the window. Roman is still asleep on the other bed and I can't blame him when I see the clock reads 5:30. That may be a normal time for my body to wake me up, but I didn't have to be happy about it.

Going through my normal routine, I notice the hotel's welcome packet thing. They serve breakfast from 6-10 a.m. which is only five minutes away. Now, do I wake Roman up? This may be one of the last chances I get to be away from him. But then I'll look like a lonely loser during breakfast. Will he even want to wake up this early? Well, he might want to get to his family's cabin early, and getting there early would mean less people... I'm so gonna regret this.

I tap him on the shoulder, "Roman? They've got breakfast downstairs and I figured you'd wanna leave asap so..." He groans before rolling over to face me. For a minute I wonder if I have to repeat myself before he responds.

"Yeah, give me a minute to get ready though, a Prince has got to slay." Even in the morning he has to be so self-promotional.

He goes to the bathroom to change and do his hair. After about ten minutes, I get impatient though. "Hurry up, Princey, we're gonna be on the road in, like, an hour, so your hair's gonna get messed up anyway."

He scoffs from behind the bathroom door, but finally walks out a couple seconds later. "There, happy? Now I only look like a 9/10." He says, with dead seriousness. To annoy him a bit, I simply give him a thumbs up and leave the room, hearing him follow.

Time skip because I'm too hungry to write about food

"Alright, you got everything?" Roman asks.

"Yeah, I didn't unpack anything." I say. "Do you want me to drive the last six hours so you can sleep in the car?" I add, not wanting to be rude even though he dragged me into this.

He waves me off, "I got it, plus you don't know where to go."

I stare at him, slightly concerned. "There's literally a GPS, I think I can find it."

"Okay, but wake me up a couple minutes before we get there, I don't know if my aunt brought the dogs with them."

"'Dogs' as in more than one?" I say. It's not like I'm scared of dogs, but multiple all fighting for your attention and jumping on you? Yeah, I'll pass.

"One of my aunts has two dogs, Bentley and Muffin, sometimes they bring them on Christmas vacation when they don't feel like paying for a kennel." He explains. "They're both pretty big and I can't let my fake boyfriend be trampled." He says, nudging me. I rolled my eyes as I set my backpack into the back of his car. He gets in the passenger side after grabbing his pillow from the trunk. I nervously start up his car, knowing if something happens to it he'll kill me. The car ride stays silent for a whole ten minutes before I hear Roman start talking. Why couldn't he just fall asleep.


"WhhHaAAaATtttTT?" I reply just as obnoxiously.

"I can't sleep, and now I'm bored." He states. At least his whiny tone is gone.

"How is that my fault?" I ask, already done with this conversation.

"Well, to be fair, you're the one that asked to drive." He said in a way where you could tell he was smirking without even looking.

Great, he's not gonna shut up and I refuse to listen to his "Movie Music" playlist, knowing it's going to be full of Disney songs. "Tell me about your family then. Stuff like who the tackle-on-sight hazards are."

"Okay, the only hazards would be the kids under age seven, Michael, Jamie, and Preston. Those three will probably attack you on sight. Christine and Jake are my siblings, both are teenagers, so the only thing you have to worry about is them being more angsty than you. There's also my twin, Remus, who has absolutely no filter. Then there are the rest of my cousins, Adam, Sasha, Evan, Avery, and Jesse. Avery is the only one older than me, she has her degree already. Sasha is honestly pretty crazy, like Remus. Evan is pretty chill for a senior in high school, while Jesse is pretty extra even by my standards."

That I find hard to believe. I'm about to point that out when I realize, "Wait, you forgot Adam."

"Oh right, well, Adam is the forgettable one." He adds.

I nod slowly, not sure how to respond to that. After that, Roman finally shuts up. We get into the next town and I'm actually concerned with how quiet he's gotten. When I glance over I see him sleeping. Heh, cute- wait what the hell am I thinking?! I swerve slightly, barely avoiding another car earning an angry honk from its driver. Why would I think Roman's cute? I decide to shake the thought off, and continue driving.

Time skip brought to you by the new SS episode

At 1:00 I turn into this forest-type area. While driving through, I can see several lake houses, all pretty far away from each other. The estimated time of arrival on the GPS is in a couple of minutes so I decide to wake up Roman.

"Wake up sleeping beauty." Why did I say that? Please don't wake up to that. He stays asleep and I sigh in relief, trying a different nickname. "Ramen? You there? Get up Princey we're almost there." He just groans and rolls over, he leaves me no choice. "Roman wake up or your straight."

He immediately shoots up with as much awareness as you can have after just waking up. "Like hell I am!" He yells, before getting distracted with the view. "It's this one," He says excitedly, pointing to one of the larger lake houses.

I roll my eyes, "I know, GPS programmed to the exact address, remember?"

"Yeah yeah I get it JD-lightful, I'm just excited and nervous." He says, practically bouncing in his seat.

"Wow, the great Roman Prince nervous about something other than an audition? Are you feeling alright?" I say, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"Very funny, but you're probably nervous too, my family's huge and a lot of the spotlight is gonna be on you." He replies as I park. How reassuring that is, over a dozen people staring at me, asking me questions, seeing how much I "love" Roman.

He hops out of the car and goes up to the door. A kind, Hispanic-looking woman opens the door and hugs Roman. He pulls back and says something, probably asking about the dogs. Once she responds Roman rushes back to the car, opening the door for me, bowing dramatically.

"Alright, the dogs are at a friend's house, and everyone else is already here." He says as I get out of the car. "Are you ready to meet my family?" He asks, smirking.

A/N: Thank you to anyone reading this now or in the future. Also fair warning, I probably won't release 3 chapters a day like this often, so don't get used to it. Okay baiiiiii.

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