Chapter 20: Rainy Day

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Roman's POV

The next morning, I wake up holding my still asleep boyfriend. Holy sh!t it feels great to be able to say that he's my boyfriend. I play with his hair while I wait for him to wake up. Someone knocks on the door, of all the times- "Come in," I call quietly, covering Virgil's ears to avoid waking him.

Mom pokes her head in. "Hey, just wanted to warn you two that there's supposed to be a bad thunderstorm later, so you might want to stay in." She suggests.

"Ok, thanks for the warning," I respond, still whispering. She just gives me a thumbs-up before leaving. A few minutes later Virgil wakes up, yawning adorably (is that even a word). "Morning, sunshine."

"What?" He grumbles, only half-awake.

"It's morning, and you woke up on your own so you can't get mad at me," I defend.

"Right," He says tiredly, burying his face in my chest.

I shake him gently, "No! You gotta get up, I don't want Remus and Sasha to eat everything." He grumbles incoherently. I pull his face away from my chest long enough to pull him into a short kiss. "Did that wake you up at all?" I ask, smirking as he blushes brightly.

He frowns, embarrassed. "Nope," He responds, turning over.

"You leave me no choice." He turns over, confused. I pick him up bridal style and get off the bed.

"Roman, I swear to God, if you drop me I'll haunt you until the devil drags me into hell!" He screeches, clinging to me as I carry him downstairs.

"Love you too," I respond.

Once downstairs, I set him down in a chair. "This morning it's fend for yourself, we've only got enough waffles for five," Aunt Lisa warns. Well, with three people under the age of eight, plus Remus and the chef, it makes sense.

"Do you want some toast or something?" I ask Virge. It's not that I don't know how to make anything else, I just don't want to.

"Toast is fine," He responds, getting up as well.

I push him down into the chair, "I can make the toast, it's not that hard."

"That's what she said," Remus quotes as he steps into the kitchen with Janus.

Deciding to ignore Remus, I go get four pieces of bread. When I turn around, I see Virgil setting the tub of butter down on the counter. After a couple of minutes, the toaster dings and practically ejects our toast like a DVD player. We eat in the living room as the rain starts. "Oh yeah, there's supposed to be a thunderstorm coming" I tell Virgil. He just nods and continues eating. "Is something wrong?" I ask, worried for my boyfriend.

"Hm? No, I like the rain, but lightning sucks because you never know if you're gonna get struck by it," He explains.

"You just worry about everything, don'tcha?" He rolls his eyes, "We could go out before the lightning starts, and even then we'd have the trees as cover. Hasn't Logan said that lightning will only strike the nearest object, so unless you wear a lightning rod we'll be fine," I reassure him.

He considers that for a moment. "Yeah, he has."

I finish my own toast, "Here," I take our plates, "You go get ready, I'll put these away and get ready, and we'll mess around in the rain." Before he can argue, I take our plates into the kitchen and set them in the dishwasher. I head upstairs, grabbing some clothes and changing. Once I'm ready, I head downstairs to find Virgil, who's waiting on the couch, watching Michael draw. "Ready?" I ask, holding out my hand for him to take.

"Of course, Romano," He responds, ignoring my annoyed expression at the use of that specific nickname. He takes my hand, allowing me to pull him up, and leads me to the door. "Are we going out with an umbrella or...?"

"Where would be the fun in that?" I reply, pulling him outside before he can protest. At least he didn't put on make-up today. We walk around in the downpour, using the trees to keep us relatively dry. I led him down by the lake, our hands still intertwined. "I see why you like the rain, but I'm gonna look like a wet dog after this," I complain.

"Then why did you come?" He asks.

I scoff, I thought the answer would be obvious, "To be there for my boyfriend, of course!" I practically shout, throwing our arms in the air. Suddenly, I get an idea, "A dream is a wish your heart makes," I sing, twirling him around. "When you're fast asleep," I continue. He gets the idea, moving with me rather than me dragging him into the motions as we dance. "In dreams you will lose your heartaches, whatever you wish for, you keep," Another spin, another box-step. I continue singing as we move, Virgil's voice joining mine quietly.

As we sing the final line, we lean in. His lips press against mine softly, and I kiss back lightly. We pull back, all too soon, and just stare at each other for a minute. The spell is broken when Virgil giggles. I didn't even know he was capable of such a cute sound!

When he sees me staring, he pauses, "What?"

"That. Was. Adorable." I state, still in awe of what I had just heard.

His face gets even redder as he realizes what I meant, "You didn't hear that, got it?"

I raise my right hand, "Got it," Of course, I cross my finger behind me, but he doesn't need to know that. We head back in as the rain gets worse. I may be fine with my clothes getting wet, but my shoes are going to become a muddy disaster if I don't head in soon.

We all decide to wait out the rainy day with Disney movies, and the kids play with their assorted toys during them. If someone described watching Mulan with the occasional fake siren going off and interrupting the movie, you'd feel pretty annoyed if you were in their spot. For me though, surrounded by my family and adorable boyfriend cuddled up next to me with hot chocolate, it was perfect.

A/N: Omg this is so fluffy ahhhh. I mean, that's what I was going for but my heart is now dying.

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