Chapter 9: Babysitting Part 2

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Roman's POV

Oh shoot. "What do you mean? Of course we are." I say, trying to sound realistic.

She looks at me condescendingly. "No, you're not, I know my brother. But, it seems like you do like-like him." She smiles brightly, poking me in the arm.

I feel my face heat up. "Whaaaat, no you're crazy."

"You're the one that's crazy...crazy in love!" She says.

I cover her mouth. "Would you quiet down?" I whisper harshly, looking back at Virge to make sure he didn't hear her.

She licks my hand and I immediately pull it back. "So you admit you like him?"

"Shut up," I say as I pull out my wallet to pay for the walkers. "Three, please." We get the walkers and bring them over to everyone. Christine and I put on our own skates, while Jake and Virgil prevent the kids from running off too soon. "Let's go." I say as we stand up. With that, the kids take off onto the ice with Jake chasing after them.

Christine nudges me, nodding towards Virgil. "You should actually ask him out for real. We'll handle the kids." Not helping sis. She laughs and follows after Jake and the kids.

"You ready?" I ask Virgil, holding my hand out.

"Yeah, it's just been a while since I've ice skated." He says, looking out on the half-full rink.

"Don't worry, I'll be right here if you fall," I say, smiling.

"Bold of you to assume I trust you," Virgil smirks back, and I almost feel a pang in my chest as if he just rejected me- I mean, he doesn't trust me?

I give a fake offended gasp, putting a hand to my chest. Hopefully, he won't notice how much that comment actually bothered me. "Then I guess you can use the wall as a support," I say, stepping onto the ice without him. He looks down at the ice uncertainly before stepping on, immediately leaning on the wall. I skate over and hold out my hand again. "Do you trust me?" He can't resist a Disney reference, right?

He smirks. "What?"

"Do you trust me?" I repeat.

He sighs in defeat "Sure, Princey," He says, taking my hand.

"That's not the line," I point out, slowly dragging him along.

"Shut up or I'll push you over," He retorts.

"If I go down, you're coming down with me," I state.

We end up skating around. At first he has his hands on either of my shoulders, and eventually becomes confident enough to just hold my hand. After a while we decide that we should be helping Christine and Jake, especially since it seems like the kids are trying to play tag. Jamie and Preston ram into each other, and both go to the ground. Virgil looks absolutely mortified by it, probably mentally preparing for the tears. Knowing those two though, they'll just burst out laughing. Jake snatches up Jamie, making sure she can't go after Preston again.

"Is it okay if I let you go for a second?" I ask Virge, knowing if I don't run interference then Preston will bowl Jake over.

"Yeah, I got it." He replies.

I quickly skate over and grab Preston before he can get moving. "Gotcha!" I spin him around earning a laugh. Once Jake has distracted Jamie, I set Preston back down in front of his walker. "Don't break the ice or they'll kick us out." I warn him teasingly. Virgil laughs from behind us. "What are you laughing at Hot Topic?"

"Aw you think I'm hot," He replies without hesitation. "Also, Preston ran away."

"Wait wat," I turn around, seeing Preston skating off. "Oh shoot." I chase off after Preston, leaving Virgil to fall over from laughing hysterically.

After another two hours of skating, we round up the kids to go get lunch. We decide on heading to the nearby seafood restaurant. Jamie and Michael get mini corn dogs, while Preston gets chicken tenders. Jake gets pizza, Christine gets sushi, Virgil gets the fried seaweed, and I have salmon.

"Hey, they have milkshakes here," Christine not so subtly points out, nudging me from under the table. "I'm sure you guys could get one with two straws." She says with a devilish smirk. Oh my God she's actually following through with the whole "you like him so I'm totally setting you two up" thing.

"Great idea, sis," I respond through gritted teeth. With her insistence, we order a vanilla shake to share.

Christine keeps shooting me smug looks as we wait. Michael, Jamie, and Preston all play the games on the paper menus while waiting for our food.

"So, how's high school going?" Virgil asks them.

"As good as it can, but I can not wait for June to come." Christine says.

"That's easy for you to say, this is your last year of hell," Jake points out.

"Hey! Auntie said you can't say that in front of us!" Jamie points out, confused.

"Yes, well Jakie bought you milkshakes, so how about we agree not to tell Auntie?" Jake responds, smiling innocently. Jamie agrees, just as our food comes.

After Jake and I handle the check, despite some protest from Virgil, we load up back into our respective cars. We agreed to go home for the rest of the day, to save the rest of the town from disaster.

A/N: Gonna be honest, I didn't know how to end this.

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