Chapter 11: Sick Part 2

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Virgil's POV

I wake up hours later, alone. This time, I'm able to sit up without almost blacking out or becoming nauseous, so I count that as a win. Checking the alarm clock reveals that I've been asleep for about four hours, yikes. Instead of making sure that everyone else in the house hasn't been horribly murdered, I decide to scroll through Tumblr on my phone. Just as I find a very relatable post about wanting to commit toaster bath, Roman walks in.

He stops suddenly, looking at me. "Oh, I didn't realise you were awake."

"Neither did I," I comment sarcastically putting my phone down.

He sits down on the edge of the bed, and passes me a bowl of saltines. "How're you feeling?"

"Better, for the most part." I answer, taking one of the crackers. I'll take the fact that I don't get nauseous after two bites as a good sign, and continue eating.

"Avery and her fiance took the five youngest out, and the rest of us are gonna be playing random board games and stuff, if you wanna join?" Roman offers.

"Sure, but I'll probably just watch, I don't want to get anyone else sick."

"Alright!" Roman stands up suddenly, waiting by the bed in case I fall.

I stand up, wrapping my blanket around my shoulders. Roman shakes his head and smiles, opening the door for me. The downstairs lights are on and I immediately feel attacked by their brightness. Janus and Remus are in the living room watching TV. Everyone else was in the dining room. Roman's aunt, Lisa, was shuffling a deck of Uno cards at the head of the table.

"Hey, you two, wanna play?" Jesse asks as we sit down at the table.

I shake my head slightly. "Nah, I'll just watch."

"Deal me in," Roman says in a "serious" voice.

Even if I don't want to touch the cards and risk getting everyone sick, I can at least keep Roman from wasting all of his good cards. They're playing Casino style, where you can stack plus twos on plus twos, and plus fours on top of plus fours.

So, when it becomes Roman's turn again, I nudge him before he can play his blue plus two. "You might not want to do that. Evan probably has a plus two so just get rid of your useless number cards for now," I advise him. He looks considerate for a moment, before playing his blue seven instead.

Yada yada yada, you know how Uno works. Someone gets on Uno and is immediately screwed over at the last second by one of their friends, ruining your trust in them forever. Next, they play Monopoly, where everyone is almost immediately crushed by Jesse. Once she got Boardwalk, Parkplace, Baltic, and Meditteranean, no one else could keep up. Roman landed on Baltic twice in a row after she had put a hotel on it, successfully leaving him practically broke.

I yawn during the game several times. "If you're tired, you can go back to sleep y'know. It'll help you recover faster."

"Mm, sleep is for the week," I mumble, sleep trying to drag me down as I speak.

"Riiiigggghhhtt," Roman agrees sarcastically. He pushes my head down onto his shoulder gently.

Time skip provided by the one hour of sleep I got

When I wake up, I'm greeted with the plain walls of Roman and I's shared bedroom. How did I...? Did Roman carry me up here? I see a sticky note left on the nightstand.

"Hey, Virge! You fell asleep during Monopoly and I wanted you to get better asap, so I brought you up here where it's quieter. -Roman"

Dork. I put the note back and roll over, trying to fall back to sleep. After about five minutes of trying, I just give up and stand. My phone reveals that it's 5:15. Now, the real question: Can I eat an actual meal? Yeah, no. Baby steps, right? So, I decide to at least start by moving around without the warmth of my blanket. I manage to walk downstairs without tripping, and see the rest of the family has returned. Avery and Roman are sitting on the couch as Michael, Jamie, and Preston play with toy cars. Instead of Paw Patrol, Beauty and the Beast is playing on the flat-screen.

They don't notice my presence until I sit down. "Hey, sleeping beauty," Roman comments, "Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"It's been like five hours, I've gotten enough sleep today to last me a week in college." It's not much of an exaggeration seeing as I'm up until three a.m. most nights just to triple check that I've done all of my homework.

"Well, I'm glad to hear you're doing better. Since Roman doesn't seem in a rush to update you, it's gonna be a free for all kind of night for dinner," Avery says, cutting off my self-deprecation.

"'Free for all'?" I can't help but question.

Roman tsks. "It means mom was too lazy to cook, so we have frozen pizza, and are free to eat it anywhere," He explains.

"That sounds like every Thursday in my dorm," I laugh.

Roman throws a blanket on top of me. "We get it, you're an unhealthy college kid whose main food group is ramen noodles."

Once I untangle myself from the blanket so I can actually see again, Roman sets an arm over my shoulder. "If you get sick, I'm going to laugh. No offense."

He rolls his eyes and turns back to the movie. "Pizza's ready, so come and get it before it's all gone!" Mrs. Prince shouts from the kitchen.

Roman pushes me back onto the couch when I try to stand up, claiming that I was still sick and shouldn't strain myself. He comes back with two plates, handing one to me as he sits back down. We eat our pizza, comfortably discussing the meanings and inconsistencies of the movie. That night I fall asleep, actually happy with how the day turned out.

A/N: Blame it on the lack of sleep, but I did not think I was gonna be able to get this chapter out today. Regardless, thank you all so much for 150 reads! 

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