Chapter 19: The Confession

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Virgil's POV

"Virgil..." He starts. Oh sh!t he's gonna realize I like him and then hate me, which will make things awkward in our friend group and-

"I did mean it as a date." He says, looking anxious. Why is he anxious?

"W-what?" I ask, not sure that I heard him right.

"I did mean it as a date," He repeats. "Virgil, I want you to be more than my fake boyfriend." He walks back over to me, taking my hands in his. Roman starts to lean in slightly, moving one hand to the side of my face. "Is this okay?" He asks quietly. I find myself unable to speak, so I just nod. He softly presses his lips to mine, and the world seems to fade away.

After a minute, we pull away, both smiling like idiots. I laugh lightly, how in the world did Roman Prince fall for me? "Close your eyes, Nathan," I see the voice belongs to this Karen-type lady, covering her son's eyes. She walks over to us, glaring. "How dare you! You know boys should only like girls right! I swear I will never understand why some people choose to disgrace God like that." The woman's hateful glare makes me uncomfortable as I move slightly closer to Roman.

"I'm sorry ma'am," Roman says. Is he seriously going to apologize to this b!tch?! "I think you misspoke, being gay isn't a choice...IT'S A COMPETITION AND I'M WINNING!!!" He pulls me close, with an arm around my shoulder. I can see the boy, Nathan, smiling slightly at Roman's well, everything. "And if being gay is such an unforgivable sin then may God smite me where I stand."

The Karen looks ready to argue, before her son tugs on her sleeve. "Let's just go inside, mom." Damn, I feel bad for this kid, especially if his dad is the same way. She angrily stomps into the diner, bringing the kid with her.

"Good thing the jukebox is only on the eleventh play," I mumble bitterly after her, causing Roman to bark out a laugh. Even a Karen like her couldn't ruin this for me though.

"Yeah, homophobes are the worst, like, it's the 21st century, get over it!" He practically shouts as we get into his car.

"Calm down," I say as he pouts. I get a boost of confidence, and kiss his cheek in an attempt to calm him down. Afterwards, I immediately regret my action. Does that count as nonconsensual? Will he get mad at me because he's already mad?

Noticing my erratic breathing, he pulls me into a hug. "Shh, it's okay. Breathe," He says gently. "We're dating, you can kiss me whenever you like, Stormcloud," He adds, pulling away and smiling.

"Thanks, Ro," I mumble. He starts the car, and we drive back towards the cabin.

He's quiet during the ride, which I'm thankful for until, "Oh by the way, Christine knows," He says guiltily, and I swear my heart rate just tripled.

"What do you mean she knows?" I ask, trying not to panic and yell.

"Back at the ice rink, she kinda confronted me about it, and figured out that we weren't really dating," He starts. "But don't freak out! She promised not to say anything, and wanted to help get us together for real, which is why she suggested the two-straw milkshake."

I calm down after he mentions the part where she won't tell anyone. "And here I was thinking I was a better actor than you," I state snarkily, trying to convince the rest of my anxiety to commit scooter-ankle.

He gasps, feigning offense. "How dare you insult my raw talent!" We both laugh at his theatrics as the ride continues on.

We reach the house and head in. Remus is sitting in the corner, looking grumpy, is he in time out? My attention is dragged away by Mr. Prince being dragged towards the stairs by a very excited Jamie and Jesse. Avery, Mrs. Prince, Chris, Lisa, and Stephen are playing a card game at the dining table, like nothing's wrong. Evan, Jake, Janus, and Christine are on the couch arguing about something while Michael and Preston play on the ground, oblivious to the chaos around them. When Christine notices us, she finishes her sentence before coming up to us.

She looks at me almost hesitantly, probably not wanting to sell Roman out if he hadn't confessed. " was lunch?"

Roman smirks and takes my hand in his. "Mission accomplished," He announces. She gasps and wraps us both in a bone-crushing hug. "But we still need to breathe," He adds after a few seconds.

"Sounds fake," She says, but still lets us go. It is unfair that an eighteen year old is that strong, and I'm not saying that because I'm a total weakling. It may be partially because of that.

The rest of the day is spent doing various Christmas activities that you'd think they would have done earlier, but oh well. We make paper snowflakes with a bunch of the younger kids, while the adults pretend that they're drinking apple juice in the kitchen. None of them get drunk, so you can give them credit for that much. Some of us older kids decorate a gingerbread house, which is promptly eaten by an army of little kids being led by Remus. At the end of the day, I'm told that dinner is going to be outside.

"On Christmas, if it's not too cold, but when is it ever, we have a bonfire and roast hot dogs and make s'mores," Roman explains as we follow his family outside. Roman and I sit down on one of logs around the firepit as his uncle struggles to get it going.

"C'mon Chris, it's not that hard!" Lisa encourages from the sidelines.

"If it's so easy then why don't you do it?" He fires back, frustrated with the pile of wood. She shrugs, and takes the matches, successfully starting a fire in under a minute. Chris's frown deepens, his pride wounded.

I snicker at the sight, and whisper to Roman. "I see where you get your ego from."

"Hey!" He whisper-shouts back. "Technically, I'm not even related to him, he married my aunt," He points out, sounding salty.

"I'm kidding, Princey," I say, leaning on his shoulder. He drapes an arm over my shoulder in response, laying his head on top of mine. "I knew coming here was a good idea," I mumble as Sasha loses her marshmallow to the flames.

"No you didn't, you thought you were gonna hate this," Roman fires back.

"Fair enough, but shut up."

"Okay, Stormcloud."

A/N: Freakin' finally! I know I have the power over when they get together but still. 700 reads ExCuSE mE?!?

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