Chapter 13: Roman's Gift

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Virgil's POV

During breakfast, I feel like Jake is acting weird. Well, weird by Roman's family standards, considering he's actively talking to me. "So, hey, have you gotten Roman a Christmas gift yet? Because if not, I could help!" He offers, being suspiciously excited.

Oh wait, I haven't gotten Roman a gift. Well, is he expecting me to? Did he get me one? Oh crap, if he got me a gift I'm gonna feel like shit if I don't have one for him. "No, I haven't gotten him anything yet..." I admit guiltily.

"Well now's your chance! C'mon we can go sometime after breakfast and find him something. And by 'we' I mean I'll be there if you need help choosing him a good gift. I've lived with the guy for thirteen years, so I think I can help," Jake says.

He does have a point, he would be one of the best people to help. "That'd be great, thanks Jake." Worst case, Roman doesn't get me anything, and feels like trash that I did get him something, or thinks I'm weird for getting him something when we're only fake dating. GrEaT.

I see Roman is busy talking to his sister, so hopefully he didn't hear our conversation. So, in the meantime, I finish my own breakfast. Most of the others have already finished eating, and I decide to help out with the dishes. What? I can be nice, and no one likes dealing with syrupy dishes. Roman also helps me and his aunt. Once that's done, we head out to the living room to watch Steven Universe with a bunch of his cousins. Just as Ruby and Sapphire re-fuse, Christine comes down and drags Roman to the door unannounced. Okay then...

Soon after, Jake comes downstairs and plops down on the couch. "So, any ideas on what to get him?" He asks.

"I dunno, probably something Disney or musical related though. I'd have to actually look to find anything specific though," I explain, trying not to sound like an idiot.

He considers that for a moment. "Okay, so what if we head over to the mall, and you'll probably be able to find something good for him there," He suggests.

"Alright," I agree. It's not like I've got a better idea.

We head out to his car, and start driving to what I'm guessing is the mall. After around ten minutes we get there. Jake stops his car, and receives a text. "Oh shoot," He mumbles.

"What is it?" I ask, already worried.

"Don't worry, a friend of mine had a problem, but I can't exactly help them while on vacation so..." He explains hurriedly.

(A/N Actual text: Christine: What do u mean ur taking Virge to the mall? That's where me and Ro r!!!)

Jake continues to assure me that it's fine and that we should just start looking for Roman's gift. We head inside, and he brings me over to a Disney store. I guess Floridian stores would take advantage of being in the same state as Disney World. We look around for a while, and I'm completely overwhelmed. Aside from the general brightness of the store, everything seems like it'd make a good gift for Ro. But, I don't want to be predictable either. He's already got basically every poster, and stuffed animals feel too cliche. By the time I'm at the back of the store I've pretty much given up. That is, until I see a certain shirt. It's white, but in rainbow lettering it reads, "Looking for a Gay Disney Prince." Honestly, it's perfect for Roman. The guy's gayer than an entire high school soccer team, and he's mentioned before how he wishes Disney had more lgbtq characters.

I show Jake the shirt and he immediately approves. "You know you have to get that for him now, or else I will," He threatens.

"Got it, but what size?" After finding a good gift, I wouldn't want to mess it up just by choosing the wrong size. And if I choose the wrong size now, they might not have the shirt in the right size later, and then he'll be stuck with a too-small shirt-

"Adult medium should fit him," Jake says, rifling through the rack looking for the right size. He proudly pulls out the shirt, and hands it to me. "Now, I'm gonna go get some food court pizza, I'll meet you outside of this store." With that, he runs off, leaving me to wait alone in the checkout line.

Seriously? It's Christmas Eve. Why are there so many people here? You'd think that most people would have the decency to have presents bought and wrapped beforehand. Well to be fair that's coming from me when I'm buying someone a Christmas present.

Sure enough, once I step outside the Disney store I spot Jake sitting on a nearby bench with a slice of pizza. "How did you get that so fast?" I ask, genuinely concerned that he stole it from a kid or something.

"I have my ways, future brother-in-law. Ways that we do not question," He answers cryptically.

"You stole it from some toddler, didn't you?" I ask.

"What? No. I simply ran over to the food court, and one of the workers there knows me, so they pretty much always have an emergency slice ready for me," He explains. I'm still questioning why they'd need an "emergency" slice of pizza as we head out to Jake's car.

A/N: Right now I think I need an emergency slice of pizza. 

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