Chapter 15: Presents

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Virgil's POV

I'm woken up at what can only be an ungodly time by someone jumping on me. "It's Christmas! Wake up!" The little kid screams, shaking me with one arm.

I begrudgingly open my eyes to see who I have to blame for this. "Michael? It's too early for this," I say, rubbing my eyes.

"It's never too early for Christmas," He states matter-of-factly.

Roman just laughs it off. "That's right, little man!" He sits up and starts tickling Michael, causing him to burst out laughing as he struggled in Ro's arms. Even though I'm the angsty one I gotta admit, that's adorable.

I had never pictured Roman as the cool older brother type, but he's actually perfect for the role. Kind of endear- oh my god this guy's making me cliche. Disgusting. Roman stands up with Michael in his arms and starts swinging him around.

He sets him down by the still-open door. "Now go wake up everyone else while we get ready. Go!" He sends the giggling Michael out the door to wake up the rest of the house. It's not long before several angry and surprised shouts can be heard from the other rooms. "You ready?" Roman asks me, holding out his hand. I grab it, and he pulls me out of my sitting position and we leave the room to join the rest of the family.

We are two of the first people to arrive, since the others need a bit of time to get over the surprise wake-up call. Of course, Michael is already downstairs, clearly proud of his accomplishment. The first thing Roman does when he sees him is give him a high-five which, in my opinion, doesn't do a good job of teaching him a lesson. Turns out, Roman's family gets cinnamon rolls on Christmas. Maybe I should have come here for winter break sooner. After we finish our breakfast, we sit around the tree and let the kids open gifts by age order. Michael, the first to open presents, gets a lot of clothes and toys, but he is the most excited about the red fire truck that Ro and I got him (Roman's idea, of course). Roman and I are sitting on the floor watching them open their presents, the three youngest not really waiting for the others to go.

After Preston, Jamie, and Michael finish their own presents, Mrs. Prince stops Jesse from starting. "I know we're all excited about presents but personally, I needed to see this at least once before the end of the week," I turn around to see what she means, and notice her holding mistletoe over Roman and I's heads. Oh shi-

"Well, rules are rules."

"Wait wha- mmph!" I'm interrupted by Roman pulling me by my shirt collar, connecting our lips. Of course, I couldn't let the kiss look bad or fake, so I kissed back. Yeah, that's the reason...A chorus of "awws" and one "Get it" from Remus erupt around us.

Even though it's just to keep up our act, I actually really enjoyed the kiss. Like REALLY enjoyed it, like "holy sh!t mind, stop being hopelessly gay for two seconds!" enjoyment. I mean, it's all fake, he doesn't actually like me so I shouldn't be getting my hopes up here. After a few (amazing!) seconds, I pull away, before my face literally melts. He flashes me a quick smile and I look away, hiding my face in my knees. Screw the act, no human being should see my face this red, I didn't even have the chance to put on make-up this morning.

"Oh my god, I'm actually going to die of embarrassment. Screw the science teacher that said it wasn't possible," I mumble into my knees.

Roman laughs, and starts rubbing my back. It's actually pretty comforting- god dammit homosexuality! "It's okay, they're already distracted with something else," He assures me. Sure enough, when I finally look up everyone's talking with each other. "Jesse, how about you start opening your presents?" Roman suggests, bringing everyone's attention back to Christmas.

"Oh, right," She says, grabbing a box. After that, it all continues in a way that I'd consider normal. Sasha goes next, then Adam, Jake, Christine, and Remus all go in age order.

Roman should be next but he gestures for me to go before him. "What? Go," I mumble to him.

"Nope, you're going," He states, pulling his arm away from my shoulder. Great, now my arm feels cold.

Knowing he's never gonna relent, I grab the box closest to me. At least every single person didn't get me a gift, instead there are two presents that just say "From: Everyone" on them. The first one is a pair of headphones, which is nice since only one side of my old headphones works. The other is just an iTunes gift card, basic but useful. I can't exactly complain since I didn't get them anything, another reason I didn't want to be given anything.

I tell them all "thank yous" and before I can tell Roman to get on with it, he hands me a gift bag. I look at him questioningly and he just nods towards the bag. Seeing no other option, I open it. Inside the bag is a black hoodie with purple patches. Honestly, it's amazing. I may not have a lot of purple clothes but I might need to invest in some, especially since it matches my dyed hair.

"How'd I do?" He asks, opening his arms.

I pull him into a hug, for the act of course. "You did amazing."

Next, Roman opens his own gifts, but I don't really care about any of them except mine. Eventually, he gets to mine and I start biting my nails. He might hate it and then hate me and then I'd never get to- breathe Virgil, breathe. He pulls out the shirt, and his eyes light up immediately. He pulls me into a bear hug, choking me slightly.

"I guess this means you like it?" I squeak out.

"Heck yeah! You found something that represents my gayness perfectly! But, I think you forgot that I already found my gay prince," He says, winking at me.

Oh my God I'm so screwed.

A/N: Holy crap they might actually do something about their feelings in the next couple chapters. Jesus Christ I've been stalling. 

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