Chapter 10: Sick Part 1

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Virgil's POV

Once back inside, we're greeted with the sight of Remus and Janus making out on the couch. I immediately cover Michael's eyes, seeing Christine and Jake do the same for Preston and Jamie. Simultaneously, we all scream, "REMUS!"

He briefly stops, "Don't judge me bro, you've got your boyfriend, I've got mine."

Time skip provided by Remus and Janus's privacy

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. We basically sat for the rest of the night and watched Paw Patrol (per request) so it was actually pretty easy. Roman says they're always crazy until you entertain them, so I guess it makes sense. I felt kinda iffy that night but I didn't really wanna worry anyone. The feeling only got worse the next morning. My head was pounding, my stomach hurt, and sitting up proved to be quite the challenge. Roman only became more suspicious when I said I wasn't hungry. 

"Is everything alright? You sound kinda sick."

"Oh yeah, 'm fine. Probably just a little cough. It is the season after all."

"But.... we're in Florida.... we've been in Florida for days.... how could you get a cold?" I didn't respond to that, mostly because I didn't have an answer, and instead rolled over to hide the sudden chills that ran through my body.

Roman lightly touched my upper arm, "Are you sure you're okay? I don't want to walk around with a sick boyfriend all day."

Did he just say.... boyfriend? Without the "fake" part? But, I thought we were just pretending.

"'M fine!" I say, the "I'm" not even sounding like a word thanks to my face being covered by a blanket.

"Mhm, suuure," Roman says, concerned, looking at me as if to say 'you aren't fooling anyone.'

"Whatever, okay. I'm a bit sick, probably from skating yesterday. But I'll be fine! What's a little cold gonna do?"

"At least rest. The best way to get over a cold is to sleep."

"But I'm not tiiiiired," I whine, "Plus, I have much better things to do than lay around all day."

"Like what?" Roman asks, smirking.

"Hanging out with you," I say under my breath. Thankfully, I don't think Roman heard me.

"Just, wait here and I'll be right back," With that, he leaves the room, not even waiting for a response.

"Bring back water!" I yell after his rapidly disappearing figure, even though I'm sure he didn't even hear me. I huff and lay back on the pillow, honestly beginning to feel tired. I wake up with a start. Wait, when did I fall asleep?? "How long was I out?" I ask Roman, who's sitting on the edge of the bed.

"An hour or so," he replies back, shrugging, "I brought you pancakes if you're feeling hungry now. They're probably cold though, so I can go reheat them if you want." Eagerly, I grab the plate sitting on the bedside table. I shovel pancake in my mouth and swallow. It is pretty cold, but I'm so hungry that I don't care. I eat it quickly and in a span of seconds the entire plate is empty.

"Did you breathe?" Roman laughs.

"Pancakes are more important than breathing," I say, like it's obvious. Suddenly I get this horrible feeling in my stomach. I run into the bathroom just in time to vomit up all the fluffy goodness I had just eaten moments before.

"My pancakes!!" I wail at the toilet, not caring about the burning sensation in my throat.

Roman comes running in, "What happened? Are you okay??"

"Yeah, just an upset stomach," I say, wiping my mouth. He helps me up so I can wash my hands. He flushes the toilet then guides me back to the bed.

"You stay here! I'm gonna go downstairs and make sure Remus isn't trying to burn the house down," Roman says beginning to leave.

I don't know whether it was because I was sick, or because I had a moment of vulnerability, but I then shouted out, "No! I mean, please stay." Roman smiles at me as I curl further into myself.

"Okay. I'm sure the adults are watching the kids anyways," he says as he's walking over to the bed. I shift over slightly so he can actually fit, and he grabs his laptop. We spend the next hour or so watching Aladdin. Roman pauses the movie as someone knocks on the door, and gets up.

"I heard Virgie wasn't feeling good, so I made him a card!" Michael states proudly, holding up a folded piece of paper.

"Well, if it's alright with him, you could give it to Virgie yourself," Roman states, looking back at me.

Michael looks at me with the most convincing puppy-dog eyes I have ever seen. "It's fine, just don't stay too long or you'll get sick," I warn. Not gonna lie, I'd feel pretty guilty if I got a four year old sick.

He pouts at this, and pulls himself onto the bed. "But Roro gets to stay with you, and he doesn't get sick."

I take the messy card from him. "Yeah, but that's because Roro is too stupid to leave me alone."

Roman plops down onto the bed with a frown. "So I'm not allowed to care about my boyfriend?" There it is again, the b-word. Of course, he probably only said it since Michael's here, and who knows how good this kid is at keeping secrets.

Electing to ignore the question, I examine the card. The cover has a messy "Get better soon Virgie" on it. The interior of the card has what Michael points out to be me, with a thermometer sticking out of my mouth. He even got a bunch of the younger kids to sign it.

"This is great, thank you Michael," I say.

He smiles brightly. "I knew you'd like it!" Still beaming, he rushes out, probably to brag to one of the others.

Roman returns to his spot next to me. "Now, back to the movie! And you," He points at me accusingly, "Need to sleep."

"No thanks, we just got to the good part."

He pushes me down so my head is laying in his lap. I blush and pull my blanket closer, covering my face. Slowly, Robin William's voice fades out, as my eyes droop closed.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for 100 reads! I was in the middle of writing this when I noticed, so I figured I'd call it out. 

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