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A/N: Thank you all so much for 15k reads!!! This was my first book and I love it so much because of that. It held up surprisingly well in my mind considering my less than optimal self-esteem. I know most of the people that have read Royal Pain thus far won't see this but I'm still proud of this chapter/epilogue because it wraps up the one thing I didn't talk about in this book except for the first chapter: Roman and Virgil's deal. 

Roman's POV

"This is so unfair," I grumble. I can't believe Virgil was actually holding me to the deal we made, even though he technically didn't fake being my boyfriend for the entire trip like he was supposed to! But nooo, he had to pretend for most of it and that's all that matters! "Can't believe I'm going through with this," I could get away with not doing it, but I'm a prince of my word, even if his end of the deal wasn't fulfilled.

And Virgil had a back-up plan in case I refused to do it, the one thing that every student even in college feared, blackmail. Some time ago he had managed to get a video of me while drunk, and I'd prefer if that stayed off the internet. Not that I did anything bad, but I said so much embarrassing crap.

After cringing at my reflection one last time, I leave the safety of my bathroom. Patton, Logan, and of course Virgil were waiting in the living room and it's not hard to guess who laughed when they noticed me. I swear the other two weren't far from it though.

"Oh my god- this is easily the best idea I've ever had!" My boyfriend proclaims, laughing harder than I would've thought possible, "Shoot can't breathe- can't-" He attempts to stop laughing at me so he could catch his breath. It didn't work.

I would normally be concerned by my boyfriend saying he can't breathe, but it's hard to worry about him as he falls off the couch. He wraps an arm around his stomach and uses his free hand to brush away tears. Freaking tears. That's how hard he was laughing.

"I think you look fine kiddo, no one's gonna make fun of you," Wow, didn't realize padre was capable of lying.

Logan overcomes his shock, "After everything you've already done at this school to embarrass yourself, I seriously doubt that anyone will pay any attention to...whatever this is," He gestures vaguely towards me.

I turn to face my tormentor, "I can't believe you'd do this to me," I say, feeling utterly betrayed, "Of all the things my family could have put you through, none of them would have ever matched up to the absolute horror that is this," I gesture to the horrifically ugly outfit.

There were millions of possibilities for Virgil to choose from because 'I owe him' he chose this. He decided it was a good idea to make me dress up as my twin brother. Disgusting. I would've been more upset if he wasn't the love of my life but this betrayal has wounded me deeply.

He shrugs, "Maybe not, and if you hate playing dress up so much then finish the rest of the bet," Virgil argues, standing up. Right, because making me dress up as the trash man wasn't enough, I also had to go out in public like this.

"Fine," I spat before leaving the dorm.

Our first and only stop was in the small garden of the school, where you would find most types of people, except for the vampires of the school. In true Remus fashion, I jump up onto the edge of the fountain and start screaming the lyrics to 'All Star' as loud as possible, because if I look the part I might as well act unrecognizable. I get the expected weird looks from people running or doing homework, but theater has already prepared me for simple looks. Thankfully no one was recording. After belting out the chorus in the most Beetlejuice-y voice I could muster, because that's the closest to Remus's singing voice you'll get, I got down.

"Okay, I did it, can I please take off the stupid fake mustache now?" I ask, desperate to return to my normal, princely attire.

"Hmm," I swear to god Virgil if you say I have to do something else- "Fine, you can go back to your dorm and change. Are we still on for movie night?"

"Hmm," I hum, half-mocking him, "Of course, but I get to pick the first movie to make up for this," I gesture at myself.

"Got it, but we have to watch Black Cauldron before the end of the night."


- - -

"I think I'm gonna burn those clothes and that stupid mustache," I say, as the opening of Black Cauldron plays.

"Hey I had to pay for those," Virgil points out while laying on my chest, "I'll probably just take them back and sell them or something," I stifle a yawn and rest my head on top of my boyfriend's. It still feels so surreal to say that, boyfriend. Virgil Black is my boyfriend. The thought alone was enough to make me smile, "What's got you so happy?"

I smile wider at my adorable boyfriend, "Oh nothing, I've just never enjoyed this movie as much as I am right now," He rolls his eyes at that, "It's so weird to think that we got together because I needed a fake boyfriend."

"Yeah," He agrees sleepily, "'Course I'm sure you like the idea of that, you hopeless romantic."

"Clearly I'm not hopeless, I've got you after all," I point out, kissing the top of his head as he relaxes even more, about to pass out.

"Wonder how you managed that, I'm quite the catch," He slurs jokingly, turning so he isn't laying back on me, but rather leaning into me.

"That you are, mi amor, that you are." 

A/N: AHHHH!!!! I'm so glad I thought of, in my opinion, a good epilogue for this book. It definitely didn't need one, with the sappy 'drive off into the sunset' ending, but I did have fun writing this

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