X. Father & Son

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Chapter Ten

The five of us make it back down to the hanger bay, where just at the end of the hallway we are in right now, lies the Falcon. The only problem is that stormtroopers are surrounding it.

"Is the ship alright?" Luke asks quietly, not wanting to grab the attention of the troopers.

"Looks fine, we just have to get over there. Hopefully your old man lowered the tractor beam or we're screwed."

A noise comes from the other side of the hanger, a noise that catches the attention of the stormtroopers need the Falcon. The force must be on our side, because whatever commotion is going on is making the troopers leave the Falcon and run towards it.

Han lets out a huffed laugh, not believing our luck. "Nows our chance, go!" He whispers.

The five of us all make a run for it towards the Falcon, with Leia and Luke leading the way while I'm towards the back. As the others make their way up the ramp of the Falcon, the noise that caught the stormtroopers attention now catches mine. I turn my head towards the other side of the hanger to see Dad fighting off a figure in a dark suit, wielding a crimson lightsaber.

I feel a cold feeling creep up inside me, knowing this to be the shadow I had seen in my vision. It's Darth Vader. The stormtroopers are crowding around the two of them fighting, whether to help their dark lord or watch the spectacle, I'm not sure.

Dad blocks one of Vader's strikes and then takes a step back, letting out a deep breath. He turns his head to the side and looks directly at me, nodding his head slowly, a small smile on his lips. I stare at my dad in confusion, feeling frozen in place, feeling immobile as Dad turns his attention back to Vader.

Dad brings his lightsaber up, not in a strike, just upright. Dad closes his eyes, shutting his lightsaber off just as Vader swings his lightsaber again, colliding with Dad, making him vanish into nothing, leaving his robe and lightsaber behind.

"Dad!" I shout, loud enough for the stormtroopers and Darth Vader to hear.

The stormtroopers begin shooting my direction, and I deflect their blasts with ease, not really paying attention to them. What I'm paying attention to is Vader, who tilts his head in my direction, the force surrounding him muddled with confusion.

I feel tears stream down my face as my feet begin to move forward, towards Vader, towards the monster who murdered my father. My grip on my lightsaber grows tighter, making my knuckles white.

"He's gone! Jay, he's gone we have to go!" Han yells, shooting at the stormtroopers from the bottom of the ramp.

"Jayce, come on! It's too late!" Leia shouts.

I try to think rationally, I try to push past the agony swirling through me, the anger, the devastation. By the looks of what just happened, Dad did what he did on purpose. He himself said that his destiny is different from mine. Though it's hard, maybe the hardest thing I've ever done, I force my feet to move backwards, I force myself to turn my back on vengeance and escape with my friends.

Han runs towards the cockpit with Chewie, leaving Luke and Leia in the passenger area with me. Now that we are away from the troopers, I feel my knees buckle under me, feel my lightsaber drop from my grip. Tears blur my vision and my body begins to heave with a sob. Luke kneels down in front of me and pulls me towards him, allowing me to sob into his shoulder while he holds onto me. I feel another hand gently rest on my back, and I turn my head to see Leia trying to comfort me, her face filled with sorrow.

"Guys, we aren't out of this yet! Luke I need you at the guns!" Han shouts from the cockpit.

Luke pulls back from me and grips my shoulders tightly, his own face wet with tears. Dad had looked after him his whole life, and after his aunt and uncle died, Dad took him in, let him live in our house with us. I know losing him is hard for Luke as well, he was the closest thing Luke had to a father.

But despite his pain, Luke obeys Han's command, running towards the gun below deck. Leia now takes over in trying to consul me for my loss, resting her hands on my shoulders and softly saying to me; "Your father was a wonderful man. My parents always talked about him in fondness, they always said how brave and strong he was."

I nod, hearing a whisper escape my lips. "He was."

"He tried to buy you more time to escape, Jayce. He died to protect you. For him, there's no greater way to show his love for you."

I can sense truth in what she says. I know whatever Dad did, he did for me. Now that's both of my parents dying to save me, and for what? All my life I've been trained as a Jedi, been told I will serve a greater purpose none day. But I've also been told that I need to protect Luke at all costs, that he is vital to our galaxy's future. Is that all I am? Am I just a body guard made to protect the real savior of the galaxy? I'm a nobody, I come from nowhere, what greater purpose could I possibly have beyond that?

"You will soon see, Jay." I hear my father's voice say.

I feel my breath catch in my chest, looking around the passenger area to see if my father is anywhere. I remember him telling me that Jedi can keep a physical form after their death, that they can guide others through the force. But I don't see him. I wish I could see him.

"Right now you need to help the others. I will see you soon, Jay, I promise you."

Bringing my hand up to wipe my eyes, I force myself to stand up, feeling Leia slip her hand gently into mine as she helps me onto my feet. I feel comforted by her touch, the contact makes a warm feeling spread throughout my whole body. She doesn't let go of my hand as we walk towards the cockpit.

Han glances back at us, his voice quiet as he asks; "How you doing, Jay?"

I nod slowly. "How many TIE fighters are after us?"

"There was only a couple but Luke got them. I'm actually quite impressed, usually Luke can't shoot for shit."

Usually I would laugh at a comment like that, but no such showcase of joy leaves my mouth. Leia squeezes my hand gently, filling the cockpit with much to think about as she says; "They must be tracking us."

All of us look towards her, but Luke, who has made it back from the gun below deck, is the one to inquire about her statement; "What makes you say that?"

"It's the only explanation for the ease of our escape."

"Easy?" Han asks incredulously. "You call that easy?"

"Only a few fighters, which were all shot down by a boy who isn't a good aim? Something is amiss. We can't waste anymore time, we have to get to the rebel base now."

Luke mumbles to himself about Leia's comment about him, but this is drowned out by Han's loud sigh, followed by him asking; "Where is the base?"

"Yavin 4. When we get there I need to find my parents, tell them what I found out."

Now I'm the one to ask her; "What did you find out?"

Leia smiles at me, squeezing my hand again as she replies; "I found out how to destroy that battle station."

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