XX. Who You Are

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Chapter Twenty

Jayce is extremely silent as we make our way back to the capital. I wish there was something I could say to him, some kind of assurance or comfort. But what? His entire life has altered, everything he thought he knew about himself has been put into question. Luke looks even more concerned for him, and even more disappointed that he can't do anything to help.

"What's going on?" Jayce asks softly, his expression growing confused as we make it to the edge of the city. I don't immediately see anything wrong, but I hear something. I hear lots of shouting, screams from the citizens of Lothal. I jump off my speeder and run towards the building closest to me, peaking around the corner to see what the commotion is about. I feel Jayce and Luke run up behind me, peaking around my shoulder to witness the chaos ensuing in the city.

There are double the amount of stormtroopers here, all of them ripping citizens from their homes and interrogating them. They're holding up a hologram of Jayce, asking each person if they have seen him around anywhere. I feel Jayce tense up next to me, and when I glance at him, I find him rubbing at his face and letting out a sigh, his expression growing angry.

"That tavern guy must have recognized me when he saw me. He must have called it in."

"Does that mean Warren is here?" Luke asks.

Our question is answered quickly. Prime Minister Warren is also interrogating citizens, I see him shoving Jayce's picture into the face of the tavern bartender. He's so loud I can hear him from here.

"Have you seen this man? He's highly dangerous and is an enemy to the Empire."

The bartender looks at the picture and shakes his head, fear growing in his eyes. "I-I don't know. I see a lot of people in my tavern, I can't tell."

Warren shoves then man onto the ground and throws the holopod onto the ground next to him. "If you want to live to see tomorrow you will think harder!"

A man marches over towards Warren and pushes him away from the bartender. I look a little closer and see that it's Governor Barrett, dressed in a dark cloak and giving Warren a rage filled expression.

Warren gawks at Barrett. "You dare touch me?"

"You have no right to treat my people this way. You already captured Parr and Amidala, now leave my planet and stop disrupting peace."

No...Warren has my parents. I feel Luke place his hand on my shoulder, sharing in my distress. If they were captured then Han and Holly probably were also. I have no idea how we'll manage to rescue them.

Warren sounds like a toddler throwing a tantrum as he replies to Barrett; "I have every right, I'm the Prime Minister of Taris and the Ojoster system. Last time I checked, Lothal is apart of the Ojoster system, so I can do as I please. I may have those traitors, but I don't have Jayce Kenobi, and I will not stop until I have him."

"I can't take this anymore," I hear Jayce whisper, beginning to step out from behind the building. "I have to go turn myself in, stop all this."

Luke and I both hold him back, with Luke hissing at him; "Are you nuts? This won't help anything."

"Jay, if you turn yourself in that won't stop Warren from hurting these people," I try to reason with him, slipping my hand into his. "We need you, the rebellion needs you. We should find a safe place and make a plan to save my parents and our friends. Thats the best way we will be able to help."

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