XXVIII. Dagobah

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

"The Walkers have been destroyed, my lord. Shall we send the second wave?"

As I open my mouth to answer the commander's question, I sense something in the force. I turn my head towards the window of the ship, watching one small ship leave the atmosphere of Denova. I recognize this ship as the Millennium Falcon, and I especially recognize the person I sense within it. I sense my son, I sense Luke.

"No, commander. Follow that ship, get the tractor beam ready. I want the Millennium Falcon captured and the passengers alive."

The commander bows to me. "Yes, my lord."



"We have a problem." Han tells us, looking quite frantic as he looks over his shoulder at us standing behind him.

"What sort of problem?" Dad asks.

"That big star destroyer is following us."

Dad sighs. "That certainly is a problem. Can we lose them? Jump to light speed."

"That's the other problem. The hyperdrive is broken."

"What do you mean broken?" I ask, my own voice now growing frantic.

"I mean it's broken," Han yells, maneuvering the Falcon around the blaster fire from the star destroyer. "I told you the Falcon is having some issues."

"I thought you mean some minor things weren't working, not the hyperdrive! Han, how are we supposed to get out of this? How are we supposed to go to the rendezvous point?" I ask him.

"We can't go to the rendezvous point now, the destroyer will follow us." Mom points out.

"Well we cant just stay out here, we'll be killed!"

"I'll figure something out!" Han yells, ordering Chewie to intensify the shields. "Go into the back and strap yourselves in, things are going to get a little rough."

"I hope you know what you're doing." I say curtly.

Instead of saying something snarky or sarcastic like he usually would, Han just nods his head to me, letting out a deep breath. "Yeah, me too."



"Well that's just perfect." Luke exclaims exasperatedly.

Holly attempts a smile. "It could be worse."

"Worse? Our ships have been swallowed up by this gross marsh!"

When we landed on Dagobah we didn't know what to expect, like how the planet is basically one giant swamp, with readings of life so high our ship's computers went haywire. Creatures fly overhead, crawl around in the high standing trees and vines, and lurk beneath the water surrounding our ships, which is why we don't go anywhere near them. Far too dangerous.

"Can't you use the force to pick them up?"

Luke and I glance at each other briefly, with me being the one to admit: "We've never lifted anything that heavy before."

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