XXI. Lothal's Loyalties

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Chapter Twenty-One

Sneaking into Jax Barrett's office was surprisingly easy. His office is towards the capital building and all of the stormtroopers are focusing their attentions on the lower levels of the city. They figure that a highly wanted individual wouldn't hide out anywhere near the high level authorities of the planet. They would be wrong.

Jax's office is a four story building made of the same tan stone the other buildings are made of, with the same shape and same look to it. I wouldn't have known it was the governor's office if a sign hadn't been on the front door in a golden plaque. We took the stairs instead of the elevator just to be safe, finding Jax's personal office on the top floor in the last room on the left. Thankfully Lothal is efficient and has a map of the building in the main lobby.

Jax is staring out the window of his office with his arms crossed, his expression showing just how much he cares about his people. I can tell he hates having Warren here as well as the added stormtroopers. If his defense of the tavern bartender hadn't convinced me of his loyalties before, his private expression of agony does now.

Leia, Luke, and I slip into his office and shut the door loudly, bringing Jax's attention to us.

He lays eyes on Leia and me, his face becoming alarmed. "You can't be here. They captured Aiden and Padmé, they'll capture you, too."

Leia begins to open her mouth but I hold my hand out to stop her, taking a step towards the governor. This is something I have to do alone, neither she nor Luke can help me.

"We came here to ask you to help us rescue our friends and join the rebellion." I say smoothly, trying to say this as calm and collected as I can.

Jax Barrett sighs, glancing back towards the window and giving me a rather obvious look. "I want to help, I do. I have no love for that tyrant or the Empire, but this is exactly what happens when you try to fight them. You came here and now my people are paying the price. I can't risk their lives on false hope."

"But it isn't false hope," I tell him, letting out a deep breath before continuing, still trying to wrap my head around it myself as I explain to him; "We lied to you about who I was before, and what Warren is saying about me isn't true. He's trying to paint me as a criminal in order to capture me because...because my real name is Jayce Daulton. I'm-I'm the son of Genevieve Daulton, the queen of Taris."

Jax stares at me in disbelief, shaking his head as he lets out a laugh. "No, no that's impossible. He died, he was killed in an explosion—"

"My father, Obi Wan Kenobi, took me to Tatooine to keep me safe from the Empire. He knew that if anyone knew I was alive I would be hunted down, just like I am now. I accidentally revealed myself a few weeks ago and now the Empire is after me."

Jax still doesn't look convinced. Out from under my shirt I bring out my mother's necklace, the one I saw her wear in those portals in the temple. Jax recognizes it, staring at the necklace in wonder.

He looks like he's seen a ghost, and in one way he has, because the next thing he says is; "I don't know why I didn't piece it together. You-you are a spitting image of Genevieve. And your father...when they said your name was Jayce Kenobi I should have guessed it was my queen's son. I always suspected those two were together...it all makes sense now." Jax rambles to himself, his worry and stress from earlier fading as he realizes what this means for the galaxy.

Jax kneels down to the ground and places his hand over his heart, a wide smile spreading over his face as he says; "I will join your rebellion. I will fight for you just as I fought for your mother. You have Lothal's loyalty and service, my king."

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