XXVI. Preparing For Battle

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Chapter Twenty-Six

The evacuation is well underway. Padmé and I have spent the last couple hours reaching out to everyone in our underground base, giving them directions on what to do and where to go. Aiden and Padmé decided on a rendezvous point for the alliance to meet at; Alderaan. Bail Organa is a member of the rebellion who hasn't been discovered yet, he is still putting up a facade of loyalty to the Empire as senator for Alderaan. The other planets in the Ojoster system aren't safe now, Vader will predict I'll hide out in one of my planets. We have to be one step ahead.

I'm in my quarters now trying to pack everything up along with Luke. He and I have shared a room since we arrived here. Even though the circumstance isn't ideal, being at war and all, I have come to really feel at home here in this base. I know Luke feels the same.

"The Empire is approaching?" I hear Dad's voice ask from behind me. I glance over my shoulder to find him standing there, his hands clasped behind his back, his expression grave.

I nod as I stuff my clothes into my bag. "A probe droid came here and relayed our location. We're going to the rendezvous point on Alderaan."

"That's where the others will go, but you both must take a little detour."

Luke and I both turn fully to him, with Luke being the one to ask; "What kind of detour?"

Dad sits down on top of my bed and stares up at us, being very frank as he tells us; "The end of the war is coming. Both of you need to be ready for what's to come. You need to complete your training."

I tilt my head and give Dad a confused stare. "But I've already completed my training, don't you mean Luke needs to complete his training?"

Dad shakes his head. "There are still some things you need to learn, Jay, things you need to overcome. The same goes for you, Luke. This isn't about using a lightsaber or picking up objects with the force. This is about understanding the force and the destiny it has you set on. To comprehend all of that, you need to go to Dagobah. There you will learn from Master Yoda."

"Whose Yoda?" I ask.

"He was the head of the Jedi council, he is the last of the Jedi apart from the two of you. He has been in exile since the Empire's rise to power, but he knows what's coming as much as I do. He will be expecting you."

I glance at Luke and cross my arms, saying what I know is on both of our minds. "Dad, we can't just abandon the fleet. The rebellion needs us."

"If you want to help the rebellion, help the galaxy, then you have to face what's been holding you both back."

Luke rolls his eyes. "I hate when you speak vaguely like that."

Dad shrugs unapologetically. "You have to figure it out for yourselves. It's the only way."

After taking in what my father has said, I nod to him, glancing at my lightsaber resting on my nightstand. "Alright. As soon as the base is evacuated, we'll head for Dagobah."

Dad smiles at me as he stands, walking over towards where I stand a few feet from him. He cups my face and places a phantom kiss on my cheek, saying to me softly; "May the force be with you."

I return my father's smile, wishing more than anything that he was really here right now. "May the force be with you, too, Dad."



"All troop carriers will assemble at the north entrance," Leia informs us, walking around the line up of pilots. "The heavy transport ships will leave as soon as they're loaded. Only two fighter escorts per ship. The energy shield can only be opened for a short time, so you'll have to stay very close to your transports."

"Two fighters against a stardestroyer?" One of the pilots asks.

"The ion cannon will fire several shots to make sure that any enemy ships will be out of your flight path. When you've gotten past the energy shield, proceed directly to the rendezvous point. Understood?"

Holly and I nod along with our fellow pilots, making Leia reply; "Good luck."

As the pilots begin to scramble to their fighters, Holly turns to me with her normal cheery smile. "You ready to do a flight check before we take off?"

"Actually, Hol, I need to take another ship. Jayce and I aren't going to the rendezvous point."

Holly's smile droops. "What do you mean?"

"Ben appeared to us and told us we need to go to the planet Dagobah to seek out an old Jedi master. Jayce and I need to complete our training if we're ever going to help stop this war."

I begin walking towards the line of X-Wings, with Holly following in tow. "Then I'm going with you."

"You can't."

"Give me one reason why I can't."

"The rebellion needs you, they need every pilot to help move the alliance to Alderaan. And also who knows what's on Dagobah, it could be dangerous."

Holly grabs onto my arm and stops me, making me face her. Her usual chipper attitude fades away completely and she looks at me seriously, making me really focus on her.

"I made a vow when I became your co-pilot. My duty is to protect you and watch your back. I won't be any help to the rebellion while you're gone because I'll constantly be worrying whether you're okay or not. We're partners, wherever you go, I go."

I look at the earnestness in her gaze, allowing her serious tone to sink in. I know she's right, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want her to come. If I were separated from her, I'd be worrying about her constantly too. It's better if she comes, it's always better when we're together.

I nod my head and feel a smile form on my lips, which grows when Holly flings her arms around my neck and hugs me. I hug onto her also, only pulling back when I hear some other pilots yelling at us to get to our fighter.

Holly's cheek blush as we pull away from each other, her eyes glancing at our ship. "Lets make sure everyone gets away safely, then we head for Dagobah."

I nod to her, my smile turning into a grin. "Lets go kick some Empire ass."

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