XV. A Wanted Man

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A few weeks later...

Chapter Fifteen

I try to let out a deep breath as I prepare for the next attack. All I can hear is the low hum of my lightsaber, nothing from the stupid floating ball sending little blasts my way.

This floating ball has become my substitute teacher for the past few weeks while Jayce is off trying to find us allies with Leia and Han. They aren't having any luck. They left for Ryloth a few days ago, hoping that planet will be willing to join the rebels unlike the others they've visited, who were all too afraid to stand up against the Empire. But regardless, Jayce is gone and Jedi training can't wait. This is why I'm stuck with the floating ball.

I feel a sting in my shoulder as the ball sends out a blast, making me hiss in pain. I try to reach out with my feelings and feel the ball's presence, but it's annoying me far too much. It's hard to focus when it keeps blasting me and I have a helmet blocking my vision.

I swing my lightsaber around to try and deflect the next blasts, but each of them hit me in several place in my stomach, making me let out a frustrated groan.

"I'm sure you'll get the hang of it." I hear a familiar voice say from the doorway of my room. I lift my helmet up to find Holly standing there, smiling at me warmly as she always does.

I feel my cheeks heat up, feeling rather embarrassed. "How much of that did you see?"

"All of it," She tells me, walking into my room and sitting down on my bed. "I've actually been watching you train a lot the past week. Not that I was stalking you or anything—I just find the whole Jedi thing fascinating. I wasn't just here to watch you, that'd be weird."

Her cheeks turn crimson, making me smile to myself. I turn my lightsaber off and power off the floating ball, making my way over towards her. I hesitate slightly before sitting next to her, not knowing what to make of a pretty girl sitting on my bed.

"So uh, what's the problem with your training? You seem frustrated." She asks after a painfully long moment of silence.

"I'm supposed to be deflecting the blasts by using the force, not my eyes, but as you saw, I'm failing miserably. I just wish I could hit the ball with my lightsaber and be done with it."

Holly giggles, resting her hand on top of mine, making heat rush up my arm. "You told me that you were able to blow the Death Star up by using the force, why don't you just do what you did then?"

"Well the fate of the galaxy was resting on my shoulders, I think my instincts just kicked in. It's harder to do now."

"Jayce will be back soon and I'm sure he'll help you. Is there anything I could do?"

I shake my head, shifting my hand to link my fingers with hers. "No, Hol, your support is all I need."

"I'm your co-pilot, you'll always have my support." She tells me softly.

Your kind words give me a boost of confidence, or maybe I just have a need to try and show off in front of her. Whatever it is, it makes me pick the floating ball back up as well as my helmet, willing to try again. Maybe by the time Jayce gets back I'll be able to beat this infernal ball. I just hope he gets back soon, because if not, this ball may be destroyed.

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