VIII. Rescuers

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Chapter Eight

This station is so much bigger once we get out of the control center. Everywhere we look there are stormtroopers, their white armor clanking together as they walk through each hall in formation. Imperial officers also roam the halls, whispering to each other and speaking into coms. All of them are discussing the station we are on, the anticipation around it's completion and the destruction it will cause the galaxy.

Everyone here are sick, how can they want such a thing? How can anybody route for the deaths of so many people? These conversations make me wonder what secrets this station holds, what destructive capabilities it has. Perhaps it holds guns that could decimate a city, or maybe it holds explosives more powerful than the ones made on Taris, the infamous planet where all the Empire's weapons are made. I guess we'll find out soon, because according to each officer we pass by, the station will be finished soon.

Han, Luke, and I shove Chewie into the closest elevator. We found some cuffs on one of the fallen Imperial officers in the control center and we took them, then we placed them on Chewie to pose as a prisoner. That way we can get into the prison level easier.

Once the elevator doors close and we're alone, Han turns me, his voice muffled from his helmet. "So what's the plan when we get down there? It's not like we can just ask for the girl."

He has a point. As I try to come up with an answer, Luke loads his gun, bobbing in place, eager as ever. "I say we just go in and shoot them."

I roll my eyes. "Your recklessness could get us killed."

Han loads just gun as well, nodding to Luke. "I agree with you kid, it may be our best option."

"Why do you always have to side with Luke?"

"I don't always side with Luke. I always agree your better than Luke at shooting don't I?"

Luke turns to Han, his shocked face hidden behind his helmet, but it shows in his voice; "He isn't better than me!"

I can't help but let out a snicker. "Luke you just have to accept that I'm a better shot than you, my dad and Han have now both said it."

Chewie roars in laughter, clearly agreeing with me as well. Luke lets out a sigh, shoving past me so he will be the first to exit when the elevator doors open. When they finally do, Luke doesn't waste a second before firing his blaster at the Imperial officers standing by their stations. There are only three here, so while he takes care of them, Han and I shoot out the security cameras in the corners of the room.

The Imperial officers are even worse shots than the stormtroopers. They go down with little effort. Once the detention area is clear, Han rips his helmet off and sets it down, going over towards the controls in the center of the room. "You two go get the girl, I'll hold things here."

Luke and I nod, taking our helmets off as well, glad to be rid of such an annoyance. We walk past a few doors before we find cell 2187, and as we're about to open the cell door up, we hear Han's voice shout; "Hurry up, we're gonna have company!"

I press on the button to open the door, and inside we find the same young woman from our vision. She's wearing grey pants, a tattered brown long sleeve shirt, and black boots. Her hair is pulled up into two buns on the sides of her face, and her features are even more beautiful than they were in my vision. She's much shorter than I thought she would be, and her expression is confused and slightly hostile.

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