XIII. Children Of The Force

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Chapter Thirteen

"Estimated time of range, fifteen minutes." The computer alerts us.

I share a glance with my parents, finding Mom speaking softly with another rebel while Dad stares at the hologram on the table in front of us, the hologram showing the Death Star and our pilots growing ever closer to it.

"Squadron, report in." I hear the Gold Leader, the head of this operation, say through the coms.

I listen to each pilot's voice as they utter their call signs, each voice filled with such determination and courage. It pains me to think that some of them may never make it back to the base, that their voices will never be heard again.

"Red Five, standing by." I hear Luke say.

"Falcon, standing by." Han says.

I close my eyes and think of their faces, of Luke and Han. I hope that they will make it out of this okay, I hope they'll stay safe. I also think of Jayce, I think of him more than any if the other pilots.

I hate being so helpless down here while he risks his life. But I have to have faith in him and the others. I have to trust in the force. So I take in a deep breath and wait, because right now that is all I can do.



"Look at the size of that thing." One of the rebel pilots says in awe through the coms.

The Death Star certainly is a menacing sight, looming and intimidating as it grows closer to Yavin by the second. I can't wait to blow it up.

"Adjust your wings into attack formation and turn on your deflector shields." Gold Leader orders the squadron.

"Deflectors are on, Luke," Holly tells me, her tone more focused now than it was before, but still cheery. "You ready?"

"Like you have to ask." I reply with a grin.

"Cut the chatter Red Five, I see the main port. It's time to accelerate speed, head towards the trench, that's where we'll find the exhaust port." Gold Leader commands.

I remember a rebel worrying that we wouldn't be able to find the main port of the station, it's kind of hard to miss. It's a large trench running around the whole station. That's not a very smart design.

As we grow closer to the trench, turret guns begin firing at us, causing some of us to break formation. I maneuver the ship out of the way of a blast just as I hear Gold Leader say; "I'm gonna cut across the axis and draw their fire. Red Two and Six, you're with me. The rest of you keep going through the trench."

"Holly, you man the guns while I fly." I tell her, pushing the handle down and diving into the trench, the guns aiming themselves down to pick us apart.

"You got it, just try to keep the ship as steady as you can." Holly replies, aiming the ship's guns up towards the turrets.

"We're taking heavy fire." Red Ten shouts into the coms.

"Keep your position, Red Ten. We're coming in to cover you." Gold Leader says.

"So are we." I hear Han say. "We'll cover you boys while you do the trench run."

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