XXXII. The Truth

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Chapter Thirty-Two

Naboo is beautiful, exactly how Leia had described it: the skies are a serene blue, the rolling hills are bright green and littered with flowers, the waterfall next to the palace looks like something out of a painting, and the buildings are all brightly colored and expertly crafted. I feel like I've entered into a dream.

I wish I had time to truly appreciate it's majesty, but we're here for a purpose, a mission. I don't think Luke has taken two seconds to admire our surroundings, the moment his ship touches the ground he jumps out and runs towards the palace. I don't even think he turned off the engine, Holly is scrambling to do so and so am I. I can't leave him to fight Vader alone. I'm afraid of what might happen if he does, to him and to Vader.

Holly and I run after Luke, who has found a servants entrance to the palace, allowing the three of us to slip in unnoticed. Stormtroopers litter the halls, seeming to be in pairs of three. One pair passes us by, then two minutes later a second pair approaches. When that pair leaves we make a run towards the other hallway, timing two minutes each time we make it to a different hall or intersection.

When we're about to make another turn, I halt the others, sensing someone approaching, but not a stormtrooper. A few seconds later, a beautiful woman in a tiara and blue gown comes rushing down the hall, another woman in a captain's uniform in tow. I stare at the first woman for a moment and realize I know who she is, I recognize her from holograms Leia has shown me.

"Iris!" I whisper shout, catching the Queen's attention. She catches our gaze, glances down at the lightsabers in our hands, then visibly relaxes, running over towards us with her captain right behind her.

"You must be Luke, Jayce, and Holly," Iris points to each of us correctly, attempting to smile but it seems halfhearted. "Vader is here, he killed—"

"We know," I interrupt, reaching out to gently touch her shoulder. "I'm so sorry about Aiden. I know the toll losing a father has on someone."

Now Iris genuinely smiles. "My mother, sister, and your friends aren't safe here. I've fixed the problems their ship was having and I have a secure way out of the palace. You all need to leave immediately."

"I'm not going anywhere until I make Vader pay for what he did." The rage in Luke's gaze and tone sets me on edge. I try to ignore it.

"You can't, he anticipated you coming. He's setting a trap for both of you in the storage area of the palace. I don't know exactly what's he's planning, but I saw some stormtroopers carrying some kind of machine down there."

I share a glance with Luke, who doesn't look deterred from his present course. He shrugs at the queen. "Doesn't matter, we can handle it. Besides, if you guys want to make it out of here you'll need Vader distracted. Do you guys know where everyone is being held?"

Iris's captain nods. "Yes, and we have the key to access the cell."

"Great. You three go get everyone to safety and we'll take care of Vader. Don't wait up for us."

"'You three'?" Holly asks with a stiff tone.

Luke nods. "You're going with them."

"Like hell I am. If you're facing down a threat like Vader I want to be there to have your back just like you would have mine."

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