Lust & Heartbreak

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As Grayson stumbled in the morning after his night out ~ he truly had absolutely no idea as to what he was walking into. You and Ethan had always been a duo. In the 4 and half years you'd known the twins? You and Ethan were always a pair. Two peas in a pod - almost mirroring his own relationship with Ethan.

Grayson loved you. It was hard to tell if that love was out of friendship or desire. Either way? He cared.

"E?" Grayson called out as he kicked his shoes off at the front door. Stumbling the slightest bit because he had had a few too many alcoholic beverages. It wasn't hard for Grayson to look over 21. "Yo Ethan! Wake up bro—" Grayson was always his absolute happiest in the morning - regardless how he felt, regardless if he'd even slept.

Grayson pattered himself down the hall and made a left - walking into Ethan's room - the sight he saw before him?


Ethan laying on his chest, slightly snoring as he laid spread across his bed just covered by his covers. The complete opposite of Grayson. Not a morning person. He could however, hear the sound of Ethan's shower running.

Grayson didn't know, he didn't second guess, the only person who could possibly be in the shower was you. Right?

"E? I'm home alright, I'm gonna make breakfast you want anything?" Grayson asked his sleeping twin - claw marks clear as day on his exposed back. Grayson couldn't help but wonder if you'd potentially broken one of your nails doing that kind of damage. "Ask Y/n for me when she gets out of the shower—"

The sound of your name escaping Grayson's mouth shocked Ethan awake, where the fuck did you go? And if you weren't in the shower who was?

"Yeah—Uh yeah I will" Ethan stuttered as he rolled over and out of bed. "Just give us a sec." Ethan's heart was racing as he sipped on his sweatpants - where the hell did his hoodie go? Rushing to his bathroom in a panic Ethan was shocked to see none other than Natalie stepping out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her wet and dripping body.

"Morning sleepy he—"

"What are you doing here!" Ethan hissed as he whispered through gritted teeth.

"I literally slept in your arms? Remember? We fucked and you came all over yourself - so we fucked again and then I spent the night beside you?" Ethan was silent - no? Did he really? He wouldn't have.

"Listen whatever last night was can't happen again, I have a girlfriend—" Natalie gasped in shock, giggling slightly after as she ran her hand down Ethan's chest and down to the waistband of his sweatpants.

"You mean that girl who watched you fuck me? That girl who couldn't hack the sight of you balls deep inside my pretty pussy? That girl who could never, ever make you feel as warm and wet and fucked out as I did? That's your girlfriend is she Ethan?" Ethan's eyes were hooded as his lips parted. Natalie's hand making its way into Ethan's sweats as she dropped her towel - revealing her perfect body.

Ethan wanted to push her off, so bad. What he was doing was wrong - so damn wrong in every sense of the word. But instead? He leaned in and kissed her. Deep and lustful. She was addictive - his crack.

Slamming her back against the bathroom wall Ethan moaned into her mouth as she slowly started jerking his cock. Wrapping her leg around his waist to draw him in closer as she giggled and smirked. Ethan Dolan was no longer home - his brain somewhere else. His dick talking for him. Thinking with his head and not his mind.

Meanwhile ~ a slightly hungover Grayson slid the back sliding door open. A plate of avocado toast in one hand as he walked himself towards the sauna. All Grayson wanted to do was warm up the sauna so he could sweat out the alcohol left in his system before a midday nap later in the day. Opening the door he was shocked into near silence at the sight he saw.

A cold you curled up on the seat - shivering because although it was a sauna? That thing got cold during the night. Having been awake most of the night crying your heart out you'd only just recently falling asleep out of pure exhaustion.

"Y/n?" Grayson asked softly as he crouched down before you - noticing how red and blotchy your face was. "Y/n? Hey? Wake up."

"Gray?" You mumbled as he shook you. "Wait? What—w-where's E? Where am—oh" suddenly everything came flooding back. The memories of Ethan being intimate with another girl. The girl you'd invited, or said yes to. Whatever way you looked at it.

"What the fuck are you doing in here— wait? Did you sleep in here?" Grayson brushed some of your hair behind your ear as he frowned, confused at what was going on.

You sighed - eyes automatically watering as you chocked up.

"Ask my ex"

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