Love Me Softly, Tenderly

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Waking up in a twisted and tangled mess of bed covers and sheets wasn't out of the ordinary for you. You had always been a restless sleeper. However what was out of the ordinary was the fact Grayson Dolan was sleeping soundly beside you - his arms wrapped around your naked torso as you adjusted to the morning light creeping in as the sun rose. Grayson's hot breath fanning over the supple skin of your neck as you found his head resting gently in the crook.

Everything from the night prior came flooding back to you with every passing second you found yourself awake. Snuggled into Grayson's side.

"Fugh—Gray!" You moaned as Grayson kissed his way down your now naked body - loving every inch of you as he slowly crept his way down your stomach towards your core. Radiating heat at the anticipation.

"I got you yeah?" Grayson looked up as he settled himself between your thighs - picking your legs up and throwing them over his shoulders before he delved between your silky folds. Tasting how sweet and delectable your juices were - lapping away at your pretty little bundle of nerves as the dim light of your side table lamp illuminated the room. Casting a gentle shadow over your body.

"Uhh—my god" you moaned as you gripped onto Graysons hair. Tangling your manicured fingers into his slightly oily locks. Curling the strains around your fingers as you fisted your hand when he flicked his tongue against your throbbing clit. Sending your hips to the sky and a moan so angelic from your mouth.

"You taste so fucking good" Grayson admitted as he crawled up your body - your core temperature rising within as he connected his lips to yours. You could taste yourself on Graysons swollen, perfect lips. "But I wanna f-feel you around me, p-please?" Grayson begged between soft breaths.

Guiding his length up and down your folds as he held your hand, Graysons fingers twisted and tangled with yours slightly above your head. Grayson slowly and ever so gently pushed inside you. Leaning down to bite down softly on your bottom lip as you smiled and giggled. Grayson mimicked the soft moment and enjoying the innocent sound of your pure chuckle.

"Gray— Ohhh y-yes!" You moaned against Graysons parted mouth. Feeling him slip deeper inside your dripping entrence until there was nothing else to give. His entire length buried deep within your soft velvety walls - so deep and still inside you, you could feel his tip pressing softly against your cervix.

"Holy shit—I—" Grayson moaned as he dipped his head to the crook of your neck. "You, you're so—"

"Say tight and you automatically join the douchbag club Dolan." You laughed "ohh—fuck" Grayson smiled as he laughed against your neck, thrusting his hips back and forward. His cock dripping with your arousal. Coating him entirely.

"I was, was gonna say beautiful but that's also very fitting" Grayson groaned and he fasted his pass - you reached out to rest your other hand on Graysons chest just over his heart. The feeling of his heart beating for you made you think his words were true.

"Say that again?" You pleaded as your eyes rolled. Grayson thrusted into you with soft force - this wasn't the time for animalistic lust filled desire. Grayson dipped his hand to your bottom lip, running the pad of his thumb over your swollen bottom lip - collecting the wetness as he ran over it. Bring his hand down to rub small and delicate circles over your sensitive clit. Feeling tour walls tighten around his thick shaft as he did so.

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