Protect Thy Lover

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"Here" Grayson cooed as he sat down beside you. "Chia tea" he spoke softly as you grabbed the coffee mug - bringing it to your lips to softly blow the steam away.

"Thanks Gray." You cooed as you tucked your knees to your chest under the throw blanket - Graysons hoodie, a black merch hoodie, taking Ethan's place against your cool skin.

"You feeling okay?" Grayson asked and he sunk into the lounge. It was practically midday, but the two of you looked as if you were ready to sleep the day away. Especially you - a near sleepless night in the sauna and being emotional drained will do that to a girl.

"I can't feel my heartbeat anymore." You scoffed quietly before taking a sip of the warm tea. "I feel like I've been trampled on by a heard of elephants, but okay? Yeah let's go with okay" you giggled for a second.

"Oh so we're going with sarcasm to shield our emotions today are we?" Grayson teased.

"I mean being open and vulnerable hasn't always been my favourite thing to do— tried that, look where it got me?"

"I think over time you'll feel better, maybe it—"

"Grayson, I love you but I'm about ready to punch that money maker square in the jaw." You sassed as you leaned over yourself to place the cup on the coffee table in front of you. Leaning back and into the side of Grayson - instinctively he chuckled as he wrapped his arms around you. Keeping you safe. Comforting you.

"Anywhere but the money maker, how else am I supposed to reel in girls? It's definitely not my personality." Grayson always found a way to make you laugh even when all you wanted to do was cry.

"You haven't had a girlfriend in four years!" You sighed. Grayson nearly caught himself saying something like 'For good reason' or 'because the girl I always wanted was and still is my bestfriend and was dating my brother' but neither one seemed fitting. Now was not the time to express feelings.

"You know me, I won't even bother if one I don't see myself loving her for the rest of my life or two? She's a friend first." Grayson sighed - holding you closer as your eyes drifted shut. Your body needing rest. Your mind stressed. Sad.

"I think you have your expectations set way to high Dolan - love sucks. I think you should just stay single forever. Protect your heart." Grayson could tell by the way you were mumbling you were drifting off to sleep. He wasn't about to stop you either. Placing a gentle kiss to your head as he held you close to his chest.

"I think I'd let the right girl break me a thousand times over and more."


Waking up alone in a dark loungeroom wasn't what you expected. Disorientate, you day up and rubbed your eyes. The chia tea still sitting on the coffee table now stone cold.

A soft pillow had replaced Graysons chest - a nice gesture so you wouldn't wake up with a sore neck. For some reason you didn't feel the need to call out for Grayson - you knew him well enough at this point to know he'd be around somewhere.

Draping the throw blanket around your body as you pattered down the hall you noticed Ethan's room light and Grayson's room light both on and illuminating the dark house.

"Gray?" You cooed. "Grayson?" You cooed again as you entered his room. In all honesty you probably looked like one of those toddler memes that were trying to wake their parents up after they threw up at 3am.

"Hey? You're awake" Grayson greeted you as he left his bathroom. "I Uh, I didn't want your stuff still in Ethan's room if he decided to come back sooner than expected so I kinda just shuffled it all into here until you figured out where you wanted to go." Grayson explained as he rubbed the back of his neck.

You looked at the neatly folded piles of clothes on his bed. Your clothes. Smiling softly as you looked back to Grayson who thought for a second he might have overstepped a line.

"Thanks Gray, I don't think I truly had the energy to do this." You yawned.

"You can nap in here while I put your stuff in the bathroom? I'm just cleaning up a little - I've been neglecting it for a little bit." You listened as you crashed down onto the bed. Tucking yourself in under Graysons blankets and pillows. His scent encapsulating your senses.

"Hey so? Did you wanna go get food? I can drive up to get takeout or I can order online? Either way I'm pretty starving." Grayson ranted from the bathroom as he placed your shampoo and conditioner into the little sunken nook. "What do you feel like y/n/n?"

"Mmm, pizza, but like real pizza fuck I miss dairy" you laughed as you rolled onto your side to watch Grayson clean the mirror. "Wanna go half's with me in one of those giant four quarter ones? I bet you $50 I can eat more than you."

"Fuck off!" Grayson laughed. "I'm 200 pounds! No way you could out eat me, but yeah? I'll take the easy $50" Grayson winked. "I'll order it a little later. Just like? Sleep or something." Grayson shrugged as you giggled and agreed - you were tired. So exhausted from being crushed by Ethan Dolan you truly just wanted to sleep. It was the only time your heart didn't hurt or your head didn't throb, eyes didn't threaten to cry or your nose didn't run.

While Grayson was busy cleaning his room while you slept soundly on his bed - Ethan was busy too. Busy cleaning up a mess he'd created.

"So she won't be able to talk about it under any circumstances?" Ethan asked as he slid the paper back towards his and Grayson's layer.

"No, it's a none discloser agreement, if she signs she won't be able to discuss the matter of why you two ended your relationship. She won't be entitled to her truth of the matter - by signing she's practically signing her right away." He explained.

"And what is the official cover? You know the shit we feed to the media when they come knocking?" Ethan asked - his leg tapping rabidly.

"That it was a mutual decision? The relationship fizzled out, the simple line that's believable and realistic."

"Okay, okay yeah no that sounds uh, good yeah let's go with that" Ethan agreed. His shoulder felt heavy as Natalie placed her hand over the top of it for support.

"Everything's gonna be fine E, we'll shut that little weasel up."

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