Snitches Get Stiches

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"Y/n?" Grayson whimpered. A small amount of blood dripping from his forehead down into his scruff covered cheek. The cool temperature of the window a welcoming contrast to the heat radiating from his body.

"Y/n? You-you okay? Y/n?" He asked softly, reaching his arm out to touch you as you laid somewhere limp in the wreckage that was once your Mini Cooper. Unresponsive.

"Please wake up?" Grayson cooed as a single tear rolled down his cheek as the sound of Ethan screaming and trying to pull the door open Grayson was leaning on drew his conscious state further away from you for a split second to hear Ethan's desperate pleas"



Ethan's phone went bonkers on the kitchen bench as he raced towards the vibrating sound echoing through the house. Graysons name lighting up the screen. With a heavy sigh, not really ready to deal with Grayson just this second although he missed him dearly - Ethan answered.


"E? I swear if you don't get your ass to the police station this second I—"

"Wait hold up?" Ethan held the bridge of his still very swollen nose. "What's going on?"

"Oh nothing, just your crazy play thing broke into Y/n's apartment!!" Grayson screamed into the phone as he burnt tracks into the pathway outside the police station as you sat on the step biting your nail.

"Your kidding! Grayson I— listen, I know shits not right but I found these Polaroids of Y/n and—"

"Whatever it is E just bring them with you if that fucking crazy bitch took them!" Before Ethan could answer Grayson hung up. Absolutely fuming that your privacy had been invaded while you were trying so hard to be better.

"You ready?" Grayson cooed as he walked you up the stairs.

"I guess" you mumbled. Still in shock at what was going on. Things clicking in your head the more you had a chance to think. Was Natalie the one who broke into your dressing room? The one who's been sending the odd box of chocolates? or the one who you felt as if was watching you day in day out?

But to say you were nervous sitting between Ethan and Grayson Dolan in front of a police officer who looked rather intimidating made you so incredibly nervous. Even if you were there to report something.

"So?" Officer Ashbee sighed as he looked at the three of you. Noticing how close and personal Grayson was being while Ethan seemed for reserved. "Do any of you have any relations to miss Candella?" Raiding an eyebrow as you and Grayson both looked to Ethan sitting on your left. He looked a little nervous - uncomfortable even. Besides the time you broke his nose this would be the first time he'd seen you since everything went to shit on his behalf.

You looked good. So good, but Ethan was angry. A bubbling hatred growing inside him as he saw Grayson's hand slip softly onto your right knee. Not even noticing the one that stalled around your shoulder.

"Uh yeah I uh, we were kinda dating I guess you could call it? But I um broke it off when she um— kindstarteddressinglikeY/nanditcreepedmeout. Ethan mumbled under his breath.

"Excuse me Mr.Dolan, you'll have to repeat yourself? I didn't quite get that?" Ashbee smiled. Knowing Ethan had been involved in this partly. He liked to watch the poor kid squirm. It was rather amusing for a second or two.

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