Hospital Heartbreak

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It was like a movie Ethan Dolan never asked to see. Moreso he was forced to watch as carnage and terror played out before his helpless eyes. The worst part about the whole thing is that he wished more than anything it could've been him - god he'd give his life to be in place of you or even Grayson.

Ethan watched on with wide eyes from behind the Jeeps steering wheel as a white Range Rover came crashing into the side of the Mini Cooper that dwarfed the aluminium wrecking ball. His foot hitting the bricks as fast as he could jolting him toward until his seatbelt pulled him back.

"No! No no no no no!" Ethan panicked as he fumbled turning off his own car before jumping out. The air from his lungs totally gone as he bore witness to the wreck before him. 

"GRAY!" Ethan screamed as he slapped his hands against the window. "GRAYSON CSN YOU—YOU HEAR ME!? GRAY!?" Ethan's voice was full of dread - it didn't take long before adrenaline kicked in.

"Y/n?" Grayson whimpered. A small amount of blood dripping from his forehead down into his scruff covered cheek. The cool temperature of the window a welcoming contrast to the heat radiating from his body.

"Y/n? You-you okay? Y/n?" He asked softly, reaching his arm out to touch you as you laid somewhere limp in the wreckage that was once your Mini Cooper. Unresponsive.

"Please wake up?" Grayson cooed as a single tear rolled down his cheek as the sound of Ethan screaming and trying to pull the door open Grayson was leaning on drew his conscious state further away from you for a split second to hear Ethan's desperate pleas.

Ethan worked to try and open the jammed door his twin laid against near lifeless, the only sign Ethan got Grayson was alive with the glimmer of sadness he saw for a split second when Ethan screamed for an ambulance.


Although it went against all odds, Ethan not even for a second let his mind wonder to the part of his brain that didn't believe you were okay. It went against everything he'd seen what felt like just seconds prior, but Ethan had a gut feel you'd make it out alright.

But for Grayson? He could see you weren't in a good way at all. All the blood and the lack of consciousness mixed with how cool to the touch your skin was? He'd admitted he let his mind wonder to a place where he didn't have you. And it made his heart ache that he could even imagine a life without you in it - he didn't want that life. He'd follow you anywhere and if that meant to another world so be it.


"Gray? What's this for?" You cooed as you opened the small box to see a delicate golden necklace. Your initials in beautiful calligraphy.

"It's just um, I heard your birthday was coming up, E told me - I know you're not really into gold but i think it flatters your skin tone?" Grayson shrugged before he gave you a sheepish hug. "Anyway, happy birthday!" The kind gesture warmed your heart - you swore you loved it so much you'd never take it off.

"W-what's going on?" You mumbled into what felt like plastic surrounding your mouth - laying down as you felt like you were flying. Moving at the speed of light. Eyes twitching as they were hard to open - like you barley had control over your own body.

"Ma'am you were in an accident alright just remain calm, you're at the hospital - just taking you for surgery now" a soft voice you thought was an angel answered. Shades of blue and green flashing past you.

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