The Lunch Date & the Intruder

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"Miss Y/l/n!" Grayson beamed as he pulled up to the curb in your Mini Cooper that made the man who looked at you with so much love in his eyes look ten time the size he actually way. "Your chariot awaits!" He jokes as he watched you smiled with an angelic like chuckle. Opening the door and crashing to the passenger side seat with a huff.

"This whole 'going to therapy thing' sucks ass Dolan, who knew I was so fucked up? How dare you or anyone else not tell me how insane I am?" You sarcastically ranted as you buckled you seatbelt. Fixing your hair before tucking it behind your ear.

"Not loving it?" Grayson asked as he looked in the review before pulling out onto the road.

"No I am! It's just dr.quackjob up there thinks I should be in a mental asylum, well, at least that's how he makes me feel." You sighed as you looked at yourself in the mirror. "Think he's doing more harm then good you know? He's old and doesn't get the whole 'modelling business'" you mimicked your therapist monotone voice making Grayson burst out into a fit of boisterous giggles. "I'm just gonna look for a new one, I like talking with someone though? Even if he doesn't really listen"

You and Grayson had been talking and decided rushing into things wouldn't be the best decision.

"I feel like I took advantage of you when you were just in the state of total shock and I can't take that back. You know how I feel about you Y/n and that's never going to change. But I don't think me acting on those feelings just now is the best thing for you" Grayson explained as he tried his best to apply a face mask to your puffy, blotchy face. Watching as your eyes traced every inch of his face.

"I think" you sighed, smiling softly. "I think I'm not sure what I think but I know jumping into anything with you right this second would probably be the worse decision ever."

"So what is this? Like a friends with benefits type thing or strictly platonic?" Grayson asked as he winked. Shoving him away as you laughed.

"Whatever floats your boats Dolan"

But even after that moment when Grayson brought up his feelings after you'd stepped out of the shower - you both won't 100% sure as to what you were. But something you did know was that you were happy with Graysons consistent presence in your life. He made you feel as if you had stability - something you desperately needed while you were trying to rebuild yourself.

"Hey can we ahh— go um, get something to eat?" You asked timidly. The first time you'd asked Grayson in what felt like ages. "I feel just going and sitting down somewhere and like doing what we used to do you know?" You mumbled slightly - looking at Grayson to see him absolutely beaming that bright incredible smile you loved so dearly.

"I'd love absolutely nothing more than to go get a bite to eat with you"


Grayson didn't watch you order. He gently placed a kiss upon your cheek as he slid his arm around your waist and whispered in your ear.

"I'll be back, order whatever you feel like no matter how big or small. I'm just going to the bathroom"

You were thankful. The idea of ordering before Grayson made your anxieties rise - your skin was hot to the touch as you watched him walk away. He knew you needed to do this alone. This was something that needed to be rewritten over time. A marathon not a sprint.

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