My Calvins

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~ Two weeks earlier ~

@Y/nY/l/n: it's okay to disappear for a while just to get your shit together, everyone needs a peace of mind.


Two weeks. In two weeks you hadn't seen the man who stole your heart. Broke you. Destroyed you. Ethan Dolan has been MIA since you told him you needed time to pack your things and move out. It wasn't your home to live in anymore - it wasn't home without Ethan.

Grayson had helped you find a nice apartment on the upper west side of town. It was a modest gig - not to shabby with a new coat of paint and some strategically placed ikea furniture. All in all? About a two day job between the two of you.

It was needless to say Grayson did a lot of the heavy lifting. He was practically keeping the broken pieces of your shattered life together. Bless his beautiful soul. Without Grayson? You'd be a puddle of your former self - although? You had no idea who the girl in the mirror was staring back at you as you layered the thick tint over your eyebrow hairs. So concentrated as you sat perched on the bathroom countertop cross legged in your favourite "Stussy Sports" crew neck sweat. 

"Y/n?" You didn't hear Grayson knock as he entered your new apartment. "Oi Y/n/n? I brought food over?" Grayson stated as he opened and closed the front door - hearing your soft music, a little Dermot Kennedy moment, playing through the Bluetooth system you'd set up.

You'd promised Grayson you'd pay him back every cent it cost for the furniture he'd helped you buy as soon as your check from Calvin Klein came in - your "My Calvins" shoot being tomorrow. Sometimes work was hard to find. Especially when you were dealing with so much behind the scenes. Ethan was causing havoc on you mind, body and soul. Regardless if he knew it or not. Regardless if you liked it or not.

"In here!" You acknowledged Grayson as you heard his feet patter against the hardwood flooring, hearing the fridge open only seconds after a clunk and a thunk of bags of groceries you'd asked him to pick up on his way over. Of course you transferred a nice $70 into his account. But that didn't mean he used a single dime of it.

Grayson couldn't help but notice something rather odd. You had been living in your apartment for about a week and strangely? For someone who valued their nutritional intake as much as you? Your fridge was basically empty. The only resident residing on the empty shelves? A box of week old take out you'd got with Grayson. Sitting pushed to the back collecting god knows what bacteria.

It sent a red flag Grayson's way immediately.

"Watcha doin' in there?" Grayson asked as he stacked the shelves with what you'd asked him to pick up. Gagging as he threw out the unopened, untouched week old Chinese takeout.

"Prepping, my shoots tomorrow, come tell me if you like the grey or white please?" You cooed as you painted a mud mask on your face. "I can't decide." Grayson obliged with your request for a second opinion. He knew you valued honesty - although he knew deep down both would look great regardless? He knew you weren't gonna let him go without an answer.

"Grey, it suits your skin tone and I'm bias." Grayson teased as he leaned on the doorframe of your master bedroom on-suite - crossing his arms as he watched you lean into the mirror to swipe the final touches of the mud mask onto your face.

"Hey didn't Deon do this shoot too?" You asked as you slouched and looked as Grayson - your hair a mess atop your head as you screwed the lid onto the mask.

"A couple of weeks ago, he said he loved it, it was like a chance to tell his story I guess." Grayson shrugged. Not wanting to bring up his brother but knowing he'd have to sooner rather than later. But first? He was worried. "But uh hey? Have you been feeling okay? Like since the whole um breakup and stuff? You haven't spoken about it heaps and I noticed the takeout—"

"You'd be the first to know if I wasn't okay" you smiled as you hopped off the bench, interrupting Grayson as he rambled. "And if you're worried about the fridge I've been getting food everyday from the cafe' in the lobby. They do amazing stuff." You sighed - you could physically hear Graysons heartbeat regulate at your words. He was worried. He knew the fact Ethan had so easily thrown you out for his new upgrade was haunting you more than you led in. So much so?

He never saw through your lies.

"You know I'm here right? Literally any time you wanna talk I'm all ears?" Grayson cooed as he tapped your nose - collecting the pink mud as he did so.

"So you can listen to how much I think your brothers an ass?" You chuckled as you pushed past Grayson. "Yeah right Grayson that sounds like something I'd definitely wanna put you through." You sighed as you sauntered down the hall to the kitchen - finishing putting the fruits and veg Grayson had brought you away.

"He asked me to give you this" Grayson added, handing you the envelope.

"Did you open it?" You asked as he leaned on the bench.

"Why would I open it?" Grayson frowned his brows. "S'not my place." You sighed and placed the envelope on the counter.

"I should maybe open it a little later, just incase it's something that's gonna make me fall apart."

"I think maybe you should open it while I'm here incase you need me to scrape your sorry ass of the hardwood floor." Grayson teased as you slapped his chest. "Ow!"

"You deserved it" you laughed, snatching the envelope off the counter and opening it. Hoping it was just some dumb apology you could cry over and throw away. Not expecting the letter you got instead - if you were cold before? You were numb as you saw the bold letters written clear as day in the top left hand corner.


"You're joking?" You whimpered. Shaking slightly as you read little by little. Bit by bit.

"What, what is I— oh you're fucking kidding me!!" Grayson snatched the paper from your delicate hands. "HES JOKING!?"

"Rough joke don't you think Grayson?" You snapped, not meaning to take it out in Grayson as he practically pulled his own hair out in frustration.

"I'll deal with this" Grayson hissed as he headed for the door.

"I can fight my own battles—"

"I SAID ILL FUCKING DEAL WITH IT Y/N!" Grayson shouted back before he slammed the door - causing you to jump slight before a ball of what felt like sick rose into the pit of your stomach. Sending you towards to bathroom once again.

On your knees before the toilet bowl where you'd found yourself many times before.

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