To Date A Boy

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To be honest, Harry didn't like the look of Draco's new girlfriend. The moment he stepped into the Great Hall with his arms (awkwardly) wrapped around the new girls waist, Harry was mad. Why? He didn't exactly know. He and Draco were not friends, so why in the name of Merlin should he care? Actually, he should be celebrating!

Harry turned to Ginny.
    "Well, Malfoy's somehow found himself a girlfriend."
Ginny looked up, surprised, "Oh good. I was starting to get sick of the thought that Malfoy might be..." she trailed off hesitantly.
Harry nodded grimly.
    "Me too. Bloody bugger's got himself a partner now, so maybe he'll leave us alone?" Ginny laughed.
    "As if he could."
Harry raised an eyebrow at her.
    "What do you mean by that?"
Ginny shook her head.
    "Doesn't matter. So...who is that girl exactly?" She asked, gesturing to the girl sitting next to Draco. Harry shrugged, "Beats me."

Harry glanced at Ron, who was not-so-sneakily listening in on their conversation.  Harry raised an eyebrow at him.
Ron looked down at his plate of eggs and contemplated telling Harry something. Harry had apologized to Ron at least 5 times for hiding Ginny and his relationship from him, but boy, he could hold a grudge.

Finally Ron muttered, "I heard that she got expelled from Beauxbâtons for blowing up an entire girls bathroom. Besides, she never wore the uniform, and refused to come to Hogwarts for the Tri-Wizard Tournament. When the headmistress came back, Raven had enchanted all the doors to only open on her command, and the house elf who'd been watching her had been locked in a closet. No one knows how, since they can teleport and all. The headmistress and all the girls were locked outside for weeks!"

    "Is that her name, Raven?" Ginny inquired, sneaking a glance at the petite girl.
Harry frowned at Ron, suspiciously.
    "And how do you know all that?"
Ron was now feeling better, and laughed.
    "It was all over the news one time and Fred and George never let me hear the end of it! I think they kinda worship her."
Ginny grinned, " I had totally forgotten Fred and George's fan-boy phase."
Ron suddenly laughed, "Bloody hell, when they find out she's going to Hogwarts-"
At this point Hermione dropped her book with a clatter and glared at him.
    "Would you please shut up? I'm trying to study for NEWTs." Ron looked at her, aghast.   
    "But Hermione, they aren't for 6 months!"

Hermione glared at him and gathered her books, "I actually plan on passing this year," she snapped, "and when the exams roll around you'll be begging for my help because all you did was gossip about the new girl!"
Hermione stormed off, tears welling in her eyes. Ron stared after her and then turned to Harry, shaking his head.
  "Bloody hell..." he muttered, then remembered he was supposed to be angry at him, and turned back to his plate.

Ginny leaned towards Harry and whispered
  "Is Hermione jealous?"
Harry shrugged.
   "I have no clue. Girls are so bloody frustrating."
Ginny turned red in the face, and her cheeks puffed out angrily.
    "Oh? You find US frustrating? Have you ever TRIED dating a guy? They are so impossible, they won't sit down and have a honest conversation with you, all they think about is Quidditch, and they'll never know if you're upset unless you say something!"
Harry rolled his eyes.
  "Sorry it's so terrible to love us, Ginny. Why do you again? Besides, you girls are so sensitive to everything! You make a mountain out of a molehill, and have weird, backwards logic." Ginny snorted.
    "It's better than being a bloody idiot. I honestly have no idea why I put up with all of you (here she glared at Ron, fiercely), now if you'll excuse me, Hermione is upset, and I'm going to comfort her, because no one else will do that around here!"
She shoved Ron in the side and grabbed her things.
"Ginny, wait," Harry halfheartedly called out, but she was gone, muttering about thick-headed boys.

Ron watched her go and gruffly asked Harry,     "Why is she bloody mad at me? I didn't do anything!"
Harry chuckled.
    "She wanted you to go and comfort Hermione."
Ron turned as red as his hair.
    "What? Why would I do that? What are you implying?? You're her friend too."
Harry smiled at his friend.
    "Because you made her upset, not anything else. What are you implying that I'm implying?"
Ron stood up abruptly.
   "Nothing!" He squeaked, and grabbed a piece of toast, "I don't understand what's got her knickers in a bunch, but I'll talk to her."
Harry was now wondering if that was a wise idea. Ron then promptly exited, leaving Harry all by himself.

Harry stared absentmindedly at Draco and Raven. Draco was looking highly uncomfortable as Raven ran a hand along his chest. She was giggling at Crabbe and Goyle, who looked heartbroken. Harry's head automatically went back to what Ginny had said, asking him if he'd ever dated a guy. Of course not. He had no interest in dating guys, it was weird. Suddenly, Draco locked eyes with Harry, startling him out of his thoughts. He smirked, and attempted to kiss Raven on her cheek. Raven turned at that instant, and Draco ended up kissing her ear. Rather awkwardly. It took all of Harry's willpower not to laugh. Draco looked even more uncomfortable, if that was possible. The thought occurred to Harry so suddenly he almost fell off the seat. Was Malfoy....forced into this relationship? Then Harry quickly dismissed the thought. Of course not, he was Malfoy after all, no one could force him to do anything.

(Play song)

Harry turned away from the now shouting couple, and attempted to eat his pancakes in peace. It was a good attempt.
    "Oh Potterrrrr," an unmistakable voice called out behind him, not five minutes later.
Harry almost choked. He slowly turned to face Draco, who had slithered over with Raven. She was smirking triumphantly at Harry.
    "Let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Raven."
At that moment, Raven stomped on his toe, causing Draco to yelp like a wounded puppy. He glared at her and hissed, "What was that for?" She smiled at him sweetly.
    "I can introduce myself, thanks."

She turned and put her glowing violet eyes on Harry, sizing him up in a very seductive manner. Harry felt himself awkwardly shift. At last, Raven stuck out a hand and declared,   "Raven O'Neil. And you...well, no doubt about it, must be the oh-so famous Harry Potter. A pleasure."
Harry awkwardly took her hand and shook, but Raven didn't let go, instead she stared at him intently.
    "So funny..." she murmured through halfway closed eyes, "that a brilliant wizard was defeated by....well, don't mean to be rude, a baby."
She then released his hand and grabbed Harry's cheeks, smushing them together and cooing "awww wittle baby Hawwy."

Harry went red and immediately pulled out of her reach. Draco was glaring at his girlfriend. Raven noticed and burst into peals of melodious, and quite insincere, laughter.
    "Oh Dray-Dray! You should see your FACE." She let out another howl of laughter, turning heads at the Gryffindor table.
    "Don't worry Baby, you're my baby too." Then she promptly did the same to Draco. He went bright red and slapped her hands away, rather forcefully.
    "Enough!" He hissed, embarrassed.
Raven pouted. Harry couldn't help smiling widely at Raven.
    "Good to meet you too." Raven winked, turned on her heel, and grabbed Draco's arm, and dragged him away, just as he came up with a clever retort, too.

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