Chapter 10

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We watched silently as Sparrow Hood stood up.

"I am going to catch this spy, and when I do they wil suffer a fate worth than what my girlfriend had." He took a deep breath. "Or, I will show you the smallest amount of mercy if you step forward now." No one moved an inch.

"Just as I thought. Whoever you are you are a piece of worhless murdering sh-"

A bang cut him off. We looked to the window. Nevar had an army of minions, supporters, giants, and every dangerous magical creature in Ever After. The were slashing at the shield, soon to break through.

"To the courtyard! Quick!" said a voice behind me. There was the only adult who hadn't deserted us, Professor Jack. B. Nimble. Finally someone who could take the reins. "I must admit my distress at being so late, Professor Pea was trying to kiss me as usual."

I shrugged. "I'm glad your here."

He smiled. "I do know my kids best, Lilly Bo-Peep! You and Mr.Haarlem here go blow up the main entrance and bridge."

"Blow it up?" They asked in disbelief.


They smiled and went off. 

"Everyone hurry to the courtyard!" Nimble shouted and we were off.

Sparrow stopped to kiss Duchess one last time. "I'm fighting for you Queen of Swans"

He followed me out the door.

"I'm fighting for you Rebellion Princess" I whispered.

Hopper heard. "I'm fighting for you Sleeping Gorgeous"

Hunter next "I'm fighting for you Angel to Animals"

No Daring so Lizzie took his place "I'm fighting for you Dragon Slayer."

"I'm fighting for you Crazy Tea-Queen" said someone I didn't recognize.

"I'm fighting for you Lady Love" breathed Alister Wonderland, son of Alice so low only I could hear it.

Soon everyone was chanting who they were fighting for as we marched to the courtyard. We made it there just as the sheild started to crack., The wall of thorns was thinning for the oncoming army. An explosion rocked our ranks. The bridge to Ever After High blew everywhere within a 10 mile radius. In the distance was seen two figures cheering, one tall carrying a crook, and one much shorter.

Never screamed with rage, even we could hear it, and shot magic through the shield, blasting Lily into the air. She landed on the stone at Nimble's feet, coughing blood.

"LILLY!" her best friend screamed running twords us. Nevar laughed and blasted him too, into the chasm caused by the explosion.

"No.." Lilly whispered weakly before falling unconsious.

"Get her to that tent over there, Ashlyn you go too. I hear you are an acomplished healer?"

"Well, for animals-"

"All the same,, go."

Hunter seemed to relax, knowing she'd be safe in the infimary tent. He and Ashlyn rushed Lilly away.

The opposing army was stalled, for now. I caught my breath, pondering something. I need a mirror, I need to tell Raven. I had a feeling she knew something.

"Professor Nimble?"


Yes it's short, I'm sorry.

As you are all other students of Ever After I must ask, 

Who are you fighting for?


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