Chapter 1: Confusion

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You woke in a dark room, light trying to force it's way through the curtains to wake you up. You looked to your left seeing a digital clock that read 8:40.

You clambered out of bed, your eyes heavy with tiredness. Where am I? Slivers of light snuck through the cracks of the door.

You felt your way along the wall to find the light switch. Click. The light-filled the room. You held your hand above your eyes, squinting due to the unexpected brightness of the light.

Your eyes having just adjusted to the light you looked around your new room. Your eyes travelled through the spacious room before stopping on a box in the middle of the room. Hmmm, well I guess I can't be any more confused.

You walked over noticing a small note adorning the box. "A welcoming gift for the ultimate secret agent." You read aloud. You hummed in confusion before opening the box. You peered inside seeing what seemed to be a plain notebook. You opened it and on the first page, a note was left. Use this to keep notes on your enemies, remember knowledge is power.

P.S There is a surprise on the bottom.

You felt along the bottom before your finger caught on a slit near the back. You used your finger to pry it open. You flipped it around, your mind full of curiosity.

What greeted you on the other side was quite interesting. "Hmmm, how odd." In the back of the notebook was a small screen. On the screen you saw two buttons. Record... and storage?? A puzzled look ran across your face. You clicked the record button. BEEEEP. A timer began on the screen.

"Is this a voice recorder?" Almost thinking out loud you spoke aimlessly into the notebook before pressing the red square on the screen. You clicked into the storage and saw the message you just recorded. You clicked it and heard yourself talking back to you.

Wow, aren't you dumb??

You frowned at the thought before pushing it back to the back of your mind. You opened the notebook. On each page was a picture of someone you have never seen before along with a title. Kade Akamatsu...Ultimate Pianist Shuichi Saihara Ultimate detective. You continued reading keeping a mental note of each face. Ultimate Supreme Leader, what could that mean. Rantaro Amami ultimate ???. How cool. You chuckled lightly at your joke and slipped the notebook into your pocket.

You continued your search of the room finding a door that leads to a bathroom. In front of your bed was a sofa facing a large tv. I wonder what's on. Knock knock. Who could that be? You opened the door, standing in front of you a small teenage boy with purple hair which seemed to defy gravity and eyes a deep mystical purple.

Kokichi Ouma the ultimate supreme leader. You recognized him from the notebook in your room. "HELLOOOO?" The boy's voice cut through your thoughts. His arms were on your side shaking you. His grip is quite strong considering his height.

"Sorry I was, thinking." You said slowly

"Nishishi don't worry" He stood in front of you with his hands behind his back, a cheeky grin plastered on his face. "My name is Kokichi Ouma. I'm the ultimate supreme leader." He stretched his hand out for you to shake and you obliged, returning the gesture. He looked at you expectantly.

"Oh sorry, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). The ultimate secret agent." You spoke. The tiredness seeped through your voice.

"Ooooh, that's so cooool but you shouldn't go around flaunting the fact that you're a secret agent. Now tell me, what do you as a secret agent."

"Oh um-its not that interesting." You spoke quietly while looking down embarrassed. You looked up at him and the excitement in his eyes was blatant.

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