Chapter 5: Beginning

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Trigger warning(Tenko and Angie exist in this chapter. You were warned.) Death and lots of self-deprecation

Ding! Dong! Bing! Bong!

"Rise and shine, Ursine!"

"It's now 8 am enjoy your day of this killing semester."

"If one of you maggots doesn't kill anyone in 38 hours you all die."

"So long, Bear-well."

You groaned from exhaustion. You didn't get much sleep last night, you were too scared of having another breakdown. You gave in to the urge to close your eyes electing to sleep rather than to be reminded that you were about to die. Even though you felt like your life was meaningless you thought you still felt you had more to do, more to see, more to feel. As sappy as it sounds you still wanted to feel love. Who would want to love you? Despite that though, you stayed hopeful.

Slowly darkness ebbed into your vision and you were out like a light.

Your eyes slowly fluttered open. You glanced at the clock seeing it was almost 5 o clock. You climbed out of bed, showered and got changed.

The day flew by. It was very boring. Before you knew it the night time announcement played and you were sleeping again.

24 hours.

Ding! Dong! Bing! Bong!

The morning announcement played but you were too tired to pay attention instead, electing to cover your head with a pillow to drown out the sound. You got ready and went down for breakfast.

"Good morning (Y/N) I'm glad to see you here for breakfast today." You smiled at her, grabbed your food and sat down.

One by one all of your "classmates" made their way into the dining hall and ate silently. The tension was palpable. Everyone was firing themselves to smile, to have a conversation. It was depressing. Everyone had been pulled so far into despair that they didn't know how to get out.

You prodded and picked at your food. Even though you didn't care if you died you felt, weird, like some part of you was fighting to survive. Slowly everyone got up from the table. Some leaving on their own, others staying to strategize a way for us all to survive.

10 Hours

You crutched up to your room and read the end of your book. Might as well finish it before I die. You had completely accepted your fate knowing that nobody was willing or able to kill someone. You got lost in the book and before you knew it, it was time to set your plan into motion. You slowly made your way downstairs to the library, ensuring nobody was aware of your presence. As the ultimate secret agent, it is the only thing you're very good at. You quickly slipped under the staircase facing the library. From there you could see practically everything. You pulled out your notebook and hovered over the record function. Your black clothes kept you hidden under the staircase as you lay in wait for something to happen.

One of the monitors visible to you turned on. It had a timer on display which read 1:04:53. It slowly began ticking down. As it did a video played on the screen. The monitor then began playing abhorrent music from its speakers. It wormed its way through your ears, pounding on your eardrums. It was awful but you blocked it out of your mind, keeping focused on the surveillance.

A few minutes later you heard a stampede of teenagers above you heading towards the games room. You could hear at least five sets of footsteps but could only make out Maki's Kaito's and Gonta's voices. A few minutes later one of them departed from the group. They walked overhead before turning and walking down the stairs you were under. The only things you could make out were the overly accessorized hands and ears and the unmistakable green hair. Rantaro?

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