Chapter 11: Cén fáth?

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Angie? Why!? How!? I can't believe someone fell for that motive. It was uncreative compared for the others. Why are they insistent on us killing each other. There must be some other reason than they're own enjoyment. This is too elaborate. You were cut off by the sound of the door creaking open. You didn't want to turn around, terrified of the what the person at the door might think. You slowly turned your head towards the door but no one was there. "Phew, don't do that to me wind." You frowned while running to the bathroom near the dining hall. While on your way you spotted Miu washing her hands. You stood just inside the doorway waiting until you heard the scream. You presumed it to be Kirumi but it didn't really matter. You waited in the bathroom as all the others passed.

Ding, Dong, Bing, Bong.

"Puhuhuhu~ A body has been discovered. Please head to the dining hall to begin an investigation. Soon after class trial will begin. And don't forget, if the blackened escapes they get the cash!"

The monitor shut off once more to your delight. Everyone had passed you so you decided to go back to the dining hall. Through the gap in the door, you caught the sight of Kirumi's dress so you assumed it safe to enter. You spotted the body, talking in a gasp of the blood-scented air and placed a limp hand over your mouth, faining a gag for effect. There were a few others there as well. Himiko was in the corner crying while being comforted by Tenko. Kirumi was searching the room for any evidence. Slowly everyone walked into the room. Each were horrified by the sight displayed in front of them. Angie's neck was sliced open. She had bruises all over her torso, arms, legs and neck. There was some dried blood in her hair which you presumed was due to being hit by a blunt object. Everyone was there at this point, except Miu. Monokuma came in and gave the Monokuma file to everyone and Miu still wasn't there. You brushed it off, instead focusing on the file.

The victim is, The Ultimate Artist, Angie Yonaga. The victim died from blood loss after sustaining a stab to the neck. The victim also has multiple bruises along her torso and neck. There is a dent in the victims head, most likely caused by a blunt object.

>> The Monokuma File has been added to the truth bullets section of your monopad.

It doesn't state the time of death which means it is probably important. But the dining area is closed between 10 pm and 8 am which means they must have died before 8 am or almost exactly 8 am. I was here only moments after the morning announcement so if they died at 8 am the killer must have been quick. Miu still wasn't there. Now you were starting to worry but what could you do. Kirumi and Tenko went off to search for her, so while you were waiting you decided to inspect the body.

The slash on her throat is clean, presumably a sharp, non-serrated knife. It wouldn't be hard to find a knife like that here. Maki's lab is full of them. The marks on her body are presumably because she struggled. You moved your glance to the mark on her head. From the indentations you presumed it was a long, cylindrical object like a pipe. Why would the killer hit her on the head if they had a knife on hand to stab her? The only reason would be to knock her out but then why the bruises on her body? Unless one of them was to throw us off. If that is the case I would be able to knock a few people off the list who aren't very bright.

>> Angie's body has been added to the truth bullets section of your monopad.

>> Dried blood has been added to the truth bullets section of your monopad.

"Gahhh, everyone please come quickly. Tenko and Kirumi found Miu in the bathroom." Tenko rushed in out of breath, Kirumi following behind her. Everyone followed them to the girls bathroom. Despite not being female you walked in first to examine Miu's body, presuming those rules were suspended. Miu lay on the floor bleeding from the head with a bloody, broken-off pipe on the floor next to her. "Shit, shit, shit!" You ran up to her and placed two fingers on her neck. You felt a slight pulse but a pulse nonetheless. "She's alive but she needs to stop bleeding. Someone go grab bandages." As you said that Kirumi dashed out the room at a rapid pace which you weren't expecting from the usually soft-spoken maid. She came back after about thirty seconds holding a first-aid kit. She wrapped the bandages around Miu's head before Tenko and Kaito hoisted her up and brought her back to the nurse's office.

>> Miu's injury has been added to the truth bullets section of your monopad.

>> Bloody, Broken Pipe has been added to the truth bullets section of your monopad.

You decided to check the bathroom for clues as to how Miu's attacker actually entered. The blood from her head was still fresh which meant it probably happened just before or after Angie's body was found. But before you found Angie you were watching the cameras and nobody left, except Miu herself. And after Angie was found you were in the Boy's bathroom and nobody entered the girl's bathroom. The only other way in was through the vent.

>> Bathroom Vent has been added to the truth bullets section of your monopad.

You continued to examine the room for any hint at the culprit. While searching you found a small, half-empty glass bottle. Upon further inspection, it was a bottle of chloroform. Why is this here? Where would someone get this?

>> Bottle Of Chloroform has been added to the truth bullets section of your monopad.

Why would this be here? Unless they knocked her out and brought her here to kill her. You slipped it into your pocket and made your way out of the now-empty bathroom. Next to investigate was Angie's room. You approached the room and got the same foul stench from the dining hall. Outside the door was a light trail of blood leading in the direction of the dining hall which grew heavier and heavier the closer you got to the door. 

You opened the door to see the floor covered in blood. It was an unnatural amount. If Angie bled this much how did she bleed that much again in the dining hall. She would have been dead long before leaving so there wouldn't be enough blood left for that much in the dining hall... unless they faked it somehow, but how? You stood in thought in the blood-soaked room, trying to come up with a way to fake blood... then it came to you. "The blood bags!"

>> Angie's room has been added to the truth bullets section of your monopad.

>> Fake Crime Scene has been added to the truth bullets section of your monopad.

You practically ran up the stairs to the nurse's office. Miu was still unconscious on the bed. You ran into the back where the supplies are kept and sure enough, two were gone. You felt proud of yourself for a split second before you realised this created more questions than it answered. Where did she die? Why did they fake her death in her room? You brushed them off hoping they would be answered later. 

>> Blood Bags has been added to the truth bullets section of your monopad.

You walked back to the dining hall seeing quite a few people there investigating the body. You walked around the room, eyes peeled, searching for anything that could help narrow down the suspects. You made your way between the body and the table to the back of the room. There were faint blood trails leading to the window, blood splattered on the rim of the glass. You clambered out the window to the grass. There was a smell of blood and a smell of chemicals. The heavy smell of the industrial chemicals towered over the faint smell of blood, so much so that you wouldn't even notice if there wasn't blood on the dancing blades of grass.

>> Bloody Window Frame has been added to the truth bullets section of your monopad.

You leaned down to examine it further. The blood was dried. It resembled that of the blood in the dining hall. Presumably it was Angie's, but why was it out here?

>> Blood in the Garden has been added to the truth bullets section of your monopad.

How did this get here? There's a strong smell of bleach so someone obviously wanted it to be gone. But if she was killed here, then why?

Ding, Dong, Bing, Bong! 

"Gahhhhhhhh I'm getting bored. Everyone hurry up to the trial grounds. And someone go get Miu!" The monitor shut off. "What the fuck? We only had like an hour. We're kinda fucked."

You made your way along to the trial grounds along with everyone else. Here we go again.

Word Count: 1580

Omg 370 reads. Sorry for the shorter chapter but I wanted to get this out to give you all as much time as possible to figure it out but also make it difficult enough. If anyone can figure out you get a virtual high five.

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