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[ B R A N D O N  W A L S H ]

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[ B R A N D O N  W A L S H ]

Brandon didn't even finish chewing his first bite of chicken when his father asked him the inevitable question during dinner.

"Did you find a tutor for that class you're about to fail, son?"

It took a lot of willpower to not roll his eyes at the inquiry.

Brandon swallows his food before answering. "Yeah. After practice I stopped by his class and he said he got me a tutor, so all's good, Dad." Mr. Walsh nods in satisfaction at the answer.

"Good." And the dinner table was quiet once again.

After dinner, Brandon laid up on his bed fiddling with a football in his hands. His fraternal twin sister, Brenda, entered his room after knocking. She took the ball from his hands before she made herself comfortable on his bed.

"Well, dinner was awkward."

Brandon rolls his eyes. "You think so? I had the time of my life."

"Hey, don't get upset with me when you're really angry about Dad being on your ass." Brenda counters, glaring at her brother.

Brandon sits up before he shifts around to look at his sister. "Alright, I'm sorry. But Dad is ten times easier on you with school and sports and it's not fair."

Brenda starts fiddling with the football herself. "You know what's also not fair? When it comes to cooking and cleaning the house, Dad is ten times easier on you and ten times harder on me and Mom." Brenda throws Brandon the ball and he catches it with ease. "So nothing's really fair, B."

Brandon sighs, looking down at the football in his hands. Brenda snorts at the sight of her brother.

"You're so brooding and depressing, I don't see why so many girls like you."

Brandon looked up at his sister, a smirk fostering on his lips. "Jealous you can't be one of 'em?"

Brenda grimaces, standing from the bed. "Ugh, as if!" Brenda promptly left the room, slamming the door behind her.

"You really need to stop watching that Clueless movie!"

The Walsh twins arrive at school extra early the next morning; Brandon takes the car keys out of the ignition before he nudges his snoring sister awake.

"Remind me again why we had to wake up early today?" Brenda drawls while rubbing sleep out of her eyes. Brandon pulls on his backpack before he gets out of the car. "Coach Martin wants to talk to me, now get out!" Brandon slams his door hard, the loud sound jolting Brenda fully awake.

Once his sister was out, Brandon locked his car.

The twins made their way into the main building where Brandon left Brenda with her friends before he hurriedly made his way to the boys' locker room. Brandon takes quick strides to reach Coach Martin's office that was at the end of the long hallway in the locker room. He knocks on the door. "Coach?" Brandon calls.

"C'mon in, Brandon!"

Brandon stands in front of Coach Martin's desk with an apprehensive look on his face. "Do I need to sit, Coach?" Brandon points at one of the chairs behind him, but the older man quickly shakes his head at the question. "No, this'll be quick."

Brandon's heart pounds. "O-okay."

Coach looks to Brandon worriedly. "Did you do something about the class thing, kiddo? It's almost been a week and you still have a D minus."

Brandon nods as he nervously shifts his weight onto one foot. "Yeah, yeah, I know. It's taken care of though, I start getting extra help soon."

"Alright. You got 'til report cards come in two weeks, B. If that grad requirement class doesn't have at least a C next to it—"

Brandon didn't want to hear it. "I got you, Coach."

"So it'll get done?"

"Coach, you got no idea."

After leaving Martin's office, Brandon met up with his friends in the courtyard ten minutes before the bell, his eyes widening at the sight of his friends passing around a weed stick secretly.

"How was that meeting with Coach?" Brandon's longtime friend, Dylan McKay, asks after passing the weed along to Kingston. Brandon shakes his head. "Not good but not bad; I'm just stressed as fuck, man."

Kingston exhales the smoke before he smirks at Brandon. "Take a hit of Mary then." The tall black boy presents the stick to Brandon, which Brandon gingerly took in between his fingers before he inhaled a puff. "It should take a bit of that stress off, and it's healthier than those cigarettes you keep smoking, B..." Kingston's words slowly fade away from his ears.

Brandon looks up at the sky and sees God; his mind feels light and free for the first time in a long time.

The rest of the day went by in a blur.

Brandon wasn't sure about a lot that day, but he was 100% sure that he was getting his dick sucked in the janitor's closet by a blondie right then.

Brandon rested his head against the wall as the girl deepthroated him on her knees. Brandon moans at the feel of her wet mouth. "F-fuck..." His leans his elbow against the adjacent wall to gain more balance, then as if it was a sign from God Himself, Brandon caught eye of the time on his watch and practically sobered up. "Shit!"

Brandon pushes the girl's face away from him, pulling up his jeans and boxers. The blonde stands to stare at Brandon in concern. "Are you okay, B?"

Brandon fiddles with his jean zipper. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking, Candice."

"My name is Claire, asshole."

Brandon grabbed his books before he rushed out of the closet, still a little intoxicated. "Bye, Clarence!"

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