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[ S A T U R D A Z E ]

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[ S A T U R D A Z E ]

Saturdays in the 90210 were normally meant for shopping and or partying. But The not-so-normal Uh Girls decided that hanging out and relaxing in the comforts of Monika's frilly pink bedroom was the best way to spend their day. Neva was idly flipping through an Essence magazine on the bed while Tasha and Monika sat on the carpet floor, Tasha painting Monika's toenails.

Monika grew bored as she flipped through the TV channels, her eyes droopy and lips stuck out in a pout. "Nothing good's on. Might as well talk."

Monika presses the power button to shut off her television as Neva flips past another page.

"Let's talk about how I got nothing cute to wear to school."

"As if you hadn't already talked about it four times in the past ten minutes." Tasha deadpans, keeping her eyes trained on Monika's toes.

Neva sends a scowl Tasha's way. "Judger!"

Monika rolls her eyes at them both. "Anyways, I wanna to invite y'all to the Freedom Fund Banquet that the NAACP is holding in two weeks."

Tasha and Neva snap their heads up to look at Monika with widened eyes.

"Are you serious?"

"I don't even know how you got invited to that but we need to go shopping immediately!"

Monika frowns at her best friends. "Did y'all seriously forget that Marcus's father is the president of the Beverly Hills NAACP? Besides him being funny and good at basketball, he's well known at school for that reason."

Tasha shrugs at that, refocusing on painting Monika's toes. "Eh, 'funny' and 'good at basketball' are in the eye of the beholder," Tasha comments dryly before adding, "but if it's the NAACP, I'm definitely going."

Neva shuts the Essence mag to stare at Tasha and Monika incredulously. "Y'all are completely ignoring the fact that we need to go shopping! This is the NAACP we talking about!"

"Wouldn't it be smarter if we shopped closer to the date, Nevs?" Monika questions.

"But what if all the cute dresses are gone?"

"What if even cuter dresses come in later?"

Neva thinks for a moment before she rolls her eyes. "You two are leeches, sucking all the fun outta my life!"

"Sorry Nevs." Tasha and Monika apologize simultaneously.

"Whatever, leeches!" Yells Neva as she reopens the magazine with a cranky expression.

Monika lets out a soft chuckle. "Anyways, Marcus's dad said we can all bring a plus one. So Neva you can go with Nehemiah and Tash—"

Tasha puts down the nail polish to stare at Monika directly. "No."


"Look here Lively, I'm not gonna look for a date and you're not gonna set me up with anybody. I'mma roll up alone and à la mode." Tasha asserts.

"But it'll look bad if we have dates and you don't." Neva voices.

"Y'all stress too much. I'll be just fine." And with that Tasha moves on, fanning Monika's toes dry while the other two Uh Girls looked to each other in knowing.

Brandon watched Brenda like she was a headless crazy person as he pushed the shopping cart, following his twin as she hurried around the grocery store without an idea in the world.

"Yo, do you know where anything in this store is?" Brandon voices as they stop in the middle of an aisle to get the loaf of bread that took them two minutes to find.

Brenda looks up at her twin with her eyes narrowed. "Please go kindly screw yourself, Brandon. It's not my fault that Mom has us shopping at a new store."

Brandon lets out a sigh, rolling his eyes. "Whatever."

Brenda suddenly changed the topic as she put the bread in the cart. "Oh, and hey, how are you doing in Hornet's class? Your grade gone up yet?"

"Oh, I dunno for sure yet. I took a test yesterday and if I get a good grade on it, my D minus is gonna change to a C minus or a D plus."

Brenda nods at that, smirking. "You sound kind of confident for someone who doesn't know for sure."

Brandon pushes the cart behind Brenda as they move down the aisle, shrugging. "The girl who's helping me is really smart and she really knows how to teach the subject, so I think I got a B on it at least." Brandon admits.

"Ah. I heard from Heather that Tasha Campbell is tutoring you, is that right?"

"Yeah. You know her?"

Brenda picks a jar of peanut butter off the shelf before she places it in the cart. "No, but I hear a lot about her. And not a lot of 'em are good things..."

Brandon snaps his head to Brenda, his jaw tight.

"Well fuck what you heard about her."

"Calm down, B. I'm not trying to say she's bad or anything, I'm trying to tell you about something involving her."

Brenda looks to Brandon tentatively before asking. "Do you remember Claire Hepburn?"


Brenda winces. "Ugh, I can't believe I'm about to say this but, she gave you a blowjob in the janitor's closet recently?" Brandon's eyes slightly widen in realization before he looks to his sister confused. "Um, yeah. What about her?"

"Well apparently you treated her like shit after she sucked you off and she knows that you've been with Campbell a lot recently so now she's saying things about her and that she's gonna fight her for you." Brenda gags. "It's pathetic really, I cut her off as a bestie when she started getting racial about it."

Brendon rolled his eyes. "That's fucking ridiculous, Campbell and I aren't even a thing."

"Try telling her and all the countless other girls who are obsessed with you that." Brenda lets out a sigh. "Boy-crazy. Ah, could never be me."

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