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[ P R E G A M E  ]

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[ P R E G A M E  ]

Dr. Hornet put his hand softly on Tasha's shoulder, halting her from entering his classroom. Tasha looked up from where his hand was to stare at Hornet squarely in the eyes, her jaw tight and eyebrow raised. Hornet swiftly takes his hand off, realizing that the action was improper, uttering out an apology.

Tasha lets out a sigh, crossing her arms. "What's up, D.H.?"

"I just wanted to let you know that I switched your seat to the back." Hornet informs.

Tasha blinks. "Okay. Well, I just wanna let you know that you're gonna get hit with a 1955 Rosa Parks answer." Tasha moves herself to get past Hornet and into the classroom.

Tasha approaches the boy with cornrows who was sitting in her front row seat. "Hey I don't wanna sound rude but you in my seat, dude."

"Oou, bars!" Tasha and the boy dap each other up in honor of Tasha's rhymes, "ayeee!" the two of them holler in unison before Tasha goes back to frowning. "But for real bro, you're in my seat."

Hornet shuts the classroom door as the last period bell rings, then he walks up behind Tasha with a smile on his lips.

"Tasha, I moved you to the back next to Walsh because you're his tutor now, remember?" Hornet explains, and that makes the boy in Tasha's former seat laugh. "Good luck with the quarterback, homie. I hear he chases anything with boobs." The boy says airily, giving a nod towards Tasha's chest.

Tasha turns to Hornet, crossing her arms. "Wait, if he's failing, shouldn't he be right in the front where I am?" Tasha smirks as Hornet contemplates her argument, but her sense of pride is very short-lived.

"You got a point, but lets just see how today goes if Walsh actually decides to show up. For now, you're getting hit with a 1955 Rosa Parks answer." Hornet smirks when Tasha's mouth parts open in shock. "Oh, fine!" Tasha trudges to sit in the seat that Hornet pointed to in the last row of the classroom.

Hornet starts class by resuming his lecture on the Civil War. Hornet was in the middle of thoroughly explaining the Gettysburg Address when a disheveled Brandon Walsh entered the room panting.

"I'm here!"

"You're late." Hornet deadpans.

"And failing." Tasha mutters underneath her breath, rolling her eyes.

"Sorry D.H." The quarterback shut the classroom door behind him before he went over to his seat.

Brandon sat stiffly in his chair, fixing what he could of his appearance, hoping that it wasn't obvious that he had just came from an unfinished blowjob session. Brandon grabs the U.S. History textbook from the book rack underneath his seat and opens it, attempting to ignore his hard-on.

"D.H., what page are we on?"


Hornet immediately recommences his lecture, and like always, Brandon could not keep up. Hornet orated and read through the textbook pages so fast that Brandon's own notes did not make sense to him. Brandon let out a "thank God" when Dr. Hornet finished his lecture fifteen minutes later.

"Tasha, could you please collect the lecture notes?"

Tasha stood up and took her paper first before she held out her hand for Brandon's. Brandon passes Tasha his notes without sending a glance her way, his eyes focused on his boner. "Thanks." He says quietly, and Tasha rolls her eyes before she goes around to gather everyone else's work.

Tasha hands Hornet the small stack of papers before she goes back to her seat, pretending to ignore that the boy beside her was rubbing himself where his dick was supposed to be through his jeans. Tasha silently gags in response, promptly returning her attention to Hornet. Gross!

For Brandon, the remainder of the period was a haze. Before he knew it, the bell rung one last time that day, signaling that school was over.

Everyone in the class packed their things and most of the students got to leave, however, Tasha and Brandon were called before they could go. They both approach Hornet's desk, Tasha with her arms crossed and Brandon with a confused expression on his face.

"Brandon, meet Tasha Campbell, she's officially going to be your tutor for the rest of the marking period." Hornet explains, keeping a close eye on the boy. Brandon turns his head to glance at Tasha, who refused to look him back in the eye. Brandon takes offense to her indifference and immediately shakes his head, looking back to Hornet. "Yeah, I don't think so."

"What?" Hornet and Tasha exclaim simultaneously, both of their eyes were on Brandon now.

"Beggars can't be choosers, dude. You're failin' and I'm D.H.'s best student." Tasha frowns.

Brandon shrugs. "I was cool with you 'til you gave me an attitude."

Tasha scoffs. The both of them get in each other's face.

"Boy, I can give you whatever I want to as long as you pass."

"Yeah whatever." Brandon starts for the door, one of his hands in a fist. Tasha put her hands on her hips, glaring at the back of his head. "Aye, Mr. 'Yeah Whatever', you better meet me in the library during lunch tomorrow if you know what's good for you!"

Brandon slammed the door shut behind him, ignoring Tasha's words, which only pissed Tasha off more. She turns her head to stare at Hornet, who slowly grew an amused smile. "I'm gonna kill him before this marking period ends."

Tasha left the classroom after her declaration, leaving Hornet alone to sigh and run his hands through his hair in exhaustion.

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