Chapter 15

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Jarod in the multimedia.


Jarod was Chance’s older brother and I think it was safe to say that they were two peas in a pod. Just like Chance, he was nothing but trouble and was somebody you didn’t want to get yourself caught up with. I think it was safe to say that he was five times worse than Chance. Just like Chance, Jarod was a single father and broke his neck to make sure that Dominique, his daughter, had everything that she needed. Sad to say that was the only good quality that he obtained. Jarod was sadistic and enjoyed watching people suffer to say the least; he was a person that you should definitely want to steer clear from.

Fortunately, I never had any bad run-ins with him before, but I did know a couple of people who did and from what they’ve told me, he could ruin your life in a matter of seconds.

The difference between him and Chance was that Jarod didn’t give a shit about anyone’s feelings and if he couldn’t benefit from you in any way, then you were just another useless individual to him. Chance, on the other hand, he spared you your feelings and was somewhat a good person until you make the mistake of crossing him the wrong way.

What I couldn’t seem to figure out was why Jarod asked about me.

I watched as he stepped down the steps and head over to the car, shooting me a glance and head nod as he got inside his all white Escalade and pulled off. “He seems like a nice and respectable young boy,” Pops commented, standing up from his chair and stretching. “How you guys know each other?”

“We met through a mutual friend in high school; we talked here and there, not so much. I’m not sure how he knew we’re related though.”

He shrugged and stuck his hands down in his pockets. “So, what else do you have planned for the rest of the day? Anything special?”

Looking down at my watch, I checked the time. “Well, I was thinking about going to catch a movie and going shopping for an outfit for tonight. Zeke and Ma are taking me out tonight.” I told him, standing up alongside him. “I should get going, I’ll see you later?”

“Yeah, I’ll probably catch up with you tonight. Enjoy the rest of your day baby.” He kissed me on my forehead and I proceeded to my car, getting in and pulling off.


“Ohh, can I get these?” Mariah exclaimed, rushing over to the candy aisle and picking up two large bags of tropical flavored cotton candy and a pack of Sour Patch Kids. I nodded and watched her as she dropped her stuff into the basket and follow behind Pablo who was at the back of the store, flirting with the store manager’s daughter, who was the cashier. Shaking my head, I picked up a few things of my own and headed over to the cashier and placed everything that was in the basket on the counter.

“Well, I like how you just barged up in between our conversation. I mean, you could’ve at least said excuse me or something along those lines.” Pablo complained, smacking his lips when I pushed him out the way.

“Well maybe if you were talking about something important then I would’ve done that, but seeing that you weren’t, I didn’t bother to.” I said matter-of-factly, causing the cashier and Mariah to laugh. Pablo waved me off and I pulled out my wallet, watching the cashier as she started to ring the stuff up. The total came up to $20.45 and I handed her a twenty and a one dollar bill.

“Keep the change.” I told her with a small smile. While Mariah and I grabbed some of the bags and proceeded to leave the store, Pablo went back to flirting with the cashier and we just decided to leave him and head back home.

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