Wooyoung: Valuable Information

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Wooyoung sat next to San the following afternoon in their school's outdoor cafeteria, waiting for Hongjoong to get out of his last class to meet with them before they all left campus for the day. It was a rare beautiful afternoon; warm with a slight breeze and the sun shining brightly. He debated closing his eyes while they waited, having stayed up entirely too late the night before due to Hongjoong's kidnapping and getting up rather early in order to make it to his own classes. It was so pleasantly warm and the steady stream of conversation around him lulled him into comfort; he could just close his eyes for a bit, couldn't he? They'd already gotten on the same page with all the information they'd gathered; all they were waiting for was Hongjoong to come around. San would wake him up when he got here, wouldn't he? What was the harm in just resting his eyes for a bit?

"Hey, hey, look alive," San teased, snapping his fingers in front of Wooyoung's face. He hadn't even realized his eyes had slipped shut while he thought about whether he could get away with doing so or not. Guess he really was tired.

"Sorry," Wooyoung yawned, leaning his head on San's shoulder instead. It probably wasn't a good idea, just inviting him to fall asleep in an even more comfortable position than before, but he got clingier the sleepier he felt. A quirk that he simply couldn't help; he was too tired.

"I get it," San agreed, snaking an arm around his waist in comfort. "We just have to wait for Hongjoong to get here and then we can go take a nap."

Wooyoung hummed.

"That sounds nice," he agreed, fighting the urge to close his eyes again. "I am hungry, though."

"Why don't you go buy some food, then?" San laughed. "I'm sure you have time before we have to brief Hongjoong. Who knows what's gotten him so distracted this time."

Hongjoong was running late by about ten minutes. They probably had at least another five before he showed up too.

"I would but I legit don't have any money," Wooyoung said with a sigh and a small, bitter laugh.

"I'd offer to buy you something, but I'm broke too," San admitted. "Unless you can find something for like two credits."

"It's fine," Wooyoung waved off. "I was really hoping that the weapons supply was a real thing, though."

He went on, practically just rambling all his thoughts out loud in an attempt to keep himself awake. "Then, at least, we could sell some of it for actual money and have a decent meal for once, you know?"

"Yeah," he said. "Maybe we can pick up a bit of work in between running this job. Just something to make a little extra money."

"No one's contacted us for a job in forever, though. We have to get our name out there better."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

Wooyoung yawned again as he nodded, rubbing at his eyes in another fruitless attempt to stay awake. When his eyes came back into focus, he caught sight of the man they'd been waiting for finally approaching their table. His usually messy, dyed blonde hair was hidden under a hat, glasses that he didn't actually need was placed low on his nose, ragged and inexpensive clothes, his shirt a bit too big, his pants a bit too small, yet he managed to always pull off whatever he wore, Hongjoong certainly had his own, unmistakable, and sometimes questionable, style.

"Look, Hongjoong's coming," Wooyoung announced. "Late as usual."

San snorted, rolling his shoulders out to get Wooyoung off and sitting up straight. Wooyoung wrinkled his nose at the movement, reluctantly moving off of San. He could've just asked.

"It wouldn't be Hongjoong if he didn't lose track of time or get distracted by something on the way here."

Their leader and closest friend approached their table, plopping himself down across from them, looking just as exhausted as Wooyoung felt. Though, he had a sneaking suspicion that Hongjoong had been awake much longer than the two of them and would continue to go without sleep until he literally passed out from the overexertion. He really did have some awful habits.

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