Yeosang: Ghost

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"What are you doing in here?" Yeosang asked, not even needing to look away from his computers to know who it was that had decided to invade his personal space. And it wasn't because he had everyone in their organization's locations pulled up on one of his monitors at all times. No—though, that did help confirm his intuition—he just knew because there was only one person on the team that violated his personal space without a second thought as frequently as this one did. Jongho hovered behind him, practically leaning on his shoulder as he watched what Yeosang was doing.

"What do you mean what am I doing here?" Jongho asked with a chuckle. "Am I not allowed to be in here?"

"Aren't you supposed to be outside watching over the building?" Yeosang asked, unable to keep the slight bitterness out of his voice as he continued to type away at his keyboard. He wasn't going to let this distraction waste time that could be better spent doing literally anything else. He knew exactly why Jongho was in here, and he knew it had absolutely nothing to do with what Hongjoong had assigned him last night.

Jongho snorted.

"Right, because you don't already have that covered," he said, pointing to the three monitors above Yeosang. They were constantly switching between different cameras and drones Yeosang had placed around the building. If he remembered correctly, Jongho had even helped him set up those cameras about a year and a half ago. Yeosang knew Hongjoong was aware of the security system, was aware that Yeosang had a program running constantly that ran every face his cameras picked up against Agony databases. He hadn't just "forgotten" Yeosang did what he had assigned Jongho to do today on a daily basis and had been for the past two years or "ran out of jobs for Jongho to do". No... ever since Yeosang's accident two years ago, Hongjoong had made sure there was someone at the hideout with Yeosang at all times. Too bad it was almost always Jongho who was assigned to the building.

"Why don't you go home, then?" Yeosang asked, anger growing the longer Jongho played dumb.

"Hyung..." He trailed off, finally giving it to what Yeosang was hinting at. He always did. These interactions happened quite frequently. "You know we do this because we care about you, right? Not because we don't think you're capable enough. I—We don't want to see you like that again..."

Yeosang tensed at his words, fingers freezing over the keys he was going to use next. He felt a shiver go up his spine as he remembered that day, a ghost of a pain throbbing through his upper back. He shook the feelings off, subconsciously ruffling the hair at the back of his neck to hide the small implants of technology that stuck out of his skin. He hoped the makeup he had covering the scar across the bridge of his nose hadn't worn off yet, either, but he was too nervous to check in front of Jongho. It'd been two years; it didn't matter anymore. He'd gotten smarter, more prepared. It wasn't going to happen again with or without supervision.

"I don't need a babysitter," Yeosang said, glancing over at Jongho. He ended up doing a double-take. The man's face was literally inches from his. His next words died on his tongue when he realized he was face to face with the man.

"Sorry," Jongho mumbled, backing away from Yeosang and looking like he'd just gotten caught doing something wrong before he grabbed a nearby chair and rolled it to sit next to Yeosang instead of hovering right above his shoulder and apparently staring at him while he was at it. "I know you don't need a babysitter, I just worry."

"Save my life once and you become my new mother," Yeosang snorted. Jongho laughed.

"We have this argument every time, you'll just have to accept that I—" Jongho cleared his throat. "That we care about you."

"Yeah, whatever," Yeosang grumbled, getting back to his work.

"Why don't you go home?" Jongho asked, turning Yeosang's earlier question back on him.

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