Mingi: Under Fire

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The team of four quickly made their way down flights of stairs, silently counting off each floor they passed. Each of them were being extremely cautious, making a conscious effort to make as little noise as possible. The third basement level was six staircases down and they made quick work of each of them, checking up and down for any hostiles and listening for anything that could mean their location was compromised. The fire alarm had ceased its screeching as they reached the second level; someone in Agony must've disabled it. They had to move fast and hit hard. If agents inside the building were aware that something out of the ordinary was happening, ATEEZ couldn't let them mobilize and call in whatever reinforcements they still had left. The element of surprise was all they had going for them; they were outmatched in every other category. Time was of the essence and it certainly wasn't on their side.

When they reached the third-floor landing, they paused briefly. Yunho made a hand gesture, pointing two fingers to each side of the door. The remaining three quickly got into position given his silent orders, bracing themselves against the wall out of the door's line of sight. They were expecting some resistance. Seonghwa had told them that in the event of a break-in, Agony would mobilize to protect the third level first and foremost. And if Agony had the time to turn the fire alarm off, they certainly had the time to notice that there wasn't actually a fire anywhere in the building. Even if they hadn't, in a situation like this, it was always better to play it safe.

"Don't forget to activate the smokescreen," Yunho reminded them, hand poised to open the door the second they were ready. The group nodded in understanding, each of them activating the brand-new toy Yeosang had equipped the entire team with. Mingi fiddled with his sleeve, revealing the remote strapped around his wrist. It had been an ordeal and a half getting these computer-integrated contacts in everyone's eyes—especially for Mingi, seeing as he was rather squeamish when it came to these kinds of things—but Seonghwa had advocated for their paramount usefulness on missions and Yeosang had been excited to finally have some in his possession, even if he, himself, had no use for them anymore.

When he pressed the correct buttons—Yeosang had to show him how to do it at least five times yesterday—Mingi saw a transmat effect scan his surroundings before an "initializing complete" message flashed across his vision. He wondered briefly what all these things could do but this wasn't the time nor place for that. There would be plenty of time to play around with the contacts when Agony was gone for good.

He looked back to Yunho once it was complete, signaling that he was ready to go. Yunho nodded in understanding, giving them all a three-second countdown.


Mingi took a deep breath.


He steadied his hands.


Yunho threw open the door, quickly getting out of the way in the same movement. As they'd been expecting, agents were prepared on the other side of the door and the second it was open wide enough, gunfire was pouring in from at least five assault rifles if Mingi's math was correct. Nothing they couldn't handle; at least, not yet. They waited a few seconds, letting the gunfire continue to ring out through the staircase while they braced themselves safely to the side. Then, Jongho and Yeosang stepped up during a lull in the fire. Two smoke grenades were thrown through the door, instantly emitting a thick, noxious gas into the hallway. Their facemasks would protect them from the poisonous fumes with their built-in filters, but their enemy wouldn't be so fortunate. It wouldn't kill them, but it would definitely incapacitate them long enough for ATEEZ to take over.

Dark grey smoke filled the hallway and slowly, the gunfire ceased. As soon as they were sure all the agents guarding the door were out cold, they wasted no time moving on to the next part of the plan. Yunho gave them the signal and in instant, all four of them were through the door and into the hallway, guns brandished and ready to take out anyone that had managed to survive the smoke. Mingi's vision was clouded, the smoke bombs obscuring most of the way through, but that's where the contacts came in handy. What Mingi couldn't make out through the gas, was helpfully outlined by his new lenses with red lines, easily showing him where everything was right down to the unconscious bodies lying on the floor. All five were unconscious. Everything was going to plan.

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