Extra Scene

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"I'm not going to ask you again, Ghost!" Hongjoong snarled, almost growling through the words as he slammed his hands down on the table separating the two of them. The man in question didn't even flinch, his blue eyes unwavering. He wore his face mask still but Hongjoong had no doubt it hid only a completely blank expression. That only served to rile him up even further than he already was. Hongjoong was seething; anger so close to boiling over and consuming him entirely. "Who are you working for?!"

Ghost rolled his eyes and gave a short chuckle, clearly mocking Hongjoong, goading him on like he always did, always chasing after his overreactions. He placed his bound hands calmly on the table in front of him; the handcuffs glittered in the harsh white light shining down from above. He sat perfectly composed in his chair; a complete contrast to the way Hongjoong stood across from him: so close to hitting the arrogant man that he felt his fingers twitch in the anticipation of a fight.

"I've already told you, Captain," the man returned, his voice even and controlled. His voice modulator was turned off, letting Hongjoong hear his natural, deep timbre, muffled only slightly by the fabric of his mask.

"Don't call me that," Hongjoong snapped back immediately. He knew he was only playing right into this insufferable man's hands, but he honestly couldn't rein himself back right now even if he tried. They'd been at this for too long, having this cyclical conversation over and over again with Ghost always gaining the upper hand despite being the one restrained and on trial here. Everything had just been building and building: the stress from their on-going struggle against Agony, the anger he felt at not being able to contribute much to the team at this point in the conflict, the helplessness that was growing larger every day he could do nothing but react to the chaos around him, never able to control anything that happened to him or the ones he loved. He couldn't take it anymore. Perhaps it wasn't healthy to project all his anger and frustration onto the man seated across from him but goddamn it if the little shit didn't deserve it after the Hell he was putting him through. "You haven't told me anything, you son of a bitch."

"Oh ouch," Ghost tsked, clicking his tongue a few times but it was very clear he wasn't the least bit upset. Hongjoong's eyebrow twitched. "There's no need for that kind of language. I'm being perfectly reasonable."

"Like hell you are," he sneered. The man chuckled, somehow making the act of laughing completely void of emotion.

"Silly little Pirate King. Haven't I, though?" He asked innocently as if Hongjoong was being the unreasonable one right now.

"We've been talking in circles this entire time."

"Now, now, use that pretty little head of yours. I think I've been very clear where my allegiances lie," Ghost said. Hongjoong couldn't be certain since the man wore a mask covering half his face but the way his eyes crinkled ever so slightly suggested he had a large smirk on his face.


"If I have to spell it out for you, I can do that," Ghost continued, completely unaware of what little restraint Hongjoong had left. That or he didn't care. Hongjoong was willing to bet it was the later; he was probably enjoying Hongjoong's descent into complete anger. It was probably why the man continued talking, taking every jab he could think of at the man across from him. "But I'm a little disappointed. I'd have thought the illustrious Pirate King would be a little smarter than that."


"How unfortunate. The great Pirate King, a fake," Ghost pushed even more. He leaned forward, very clearly challenging the man across from him as he then added: "Come one, Hongjoong, where's that fire? Let me see it."


Hongjoong snapped completely, his rage overcoming him finally as he wound his hand back, poised to strike the man who had driven him to such an action. He swiped his arm across with as much force as he could muster, aiming to hit the man hard enough to shut him up. Much to his surprise, Ghost reacted faster. He stood up from his chair, handcuffs clattering to the floor as his now very free hand caught Hongjoong's wrists before it came anywhere close to his face. Hongjoong froze in surprise. How did he escape his handcuffs? For how long had he just been letting Hongjoong think he was in charge? Ghost used his moment of shock against him and in one swift motion, his arm was twisted behind him and Hongjoong was being forced to bend over the table with a loud bang. The metal of the surface was cool against his cheeks as Hongjoong tried to catch up with this new turn of events.

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