Hongjoong: Sometimes the Answers You Seek...

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"You're late," Ghost chastised as Hongjoong approached the man. They'd agreed to meet tonight to discuss their next plan of attack moving forward but Hongjoong had, like always, lost track of time. He only even remembered this meeting in the first place because the man had called him out of the blue.

"So you've already told me," Hongjoong brushed off. "I'm terrible with times, probably best you called me or I would've forgotten entirely."

The man laughed, shaking his head.

"At least you're here now. I wanted to discuss—"

"Hold that thought. Sorry, Yeosang's calling," Hongjoong interrupted after multiple rather annoying alarm sounds went off through his earpiece, blaring into his ear. He accepted the call, listening to the man's frantic explanation all the way through as a sinking feeling settled deeper and deeper in his stomach.

With lightning-fast reaction, Hongjoong pulled his gun from his hip and pointed it directly at Ghost without a word of explanation except for:

"Take the mask off."

He'd been expecting a betrayal since the beginning; he just hadn't thought it would be so grand.

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