Yeosang: Connecting the Dots

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Yeosang's eyes flitted across all six of his monitors, fingers flying across his keyboard as a meaningless jumble of letters and symbols raced up each screen. He was so close to cracking this code; he was sure of it. It'd been four days since Hongjoong had miraculously been able to get Yeosang into Agony's servers without anyone catching him in the act and two days since they'd broadcasted their answer to the Governor for all of the town square to see. Yeosang had been hard at work since then, trying to decrypt all the valuable information he now had at his fingertips. He had slept maybe a grand total of five hours, he couldn't remember the last time he ate a full meal, and he was pretty sure only the caffeine was keeping him going at this point but he wasn't going to stop now, not when he was so close. He was thoroughly convinced there wasn't a line of code he couldn't decipher through some means on this planet; even if it took him a couple of days a lot of sleepless hours, he'd get all their information eventually. Agony's cyber defense was supposed to be one of the best in the world; that just gave Yeosang that much more motivation to prove his talent. There weren't a whole lot of things he was confident in, but his prowess with technology was something he would gladly flaunt for the whole world to see.

Just a couple more rounds of decryption and he'd be through. Nothing to it.

He leaned back in his chair, letting the program he'd finished earlier today do its thing. He watched with complete focus as meaningless garble gave way to letters and words that actually made sense. Then all six of his screens flashed bright white, he flinched away from it but his eyes adjusted quickly. He waited for his computer to process what was happening, wondering if he had caused it to crash with an accidental infinite loop or if he had successfully gotten in; he really wasn't sure yet. A few seconds ticked by with nothing happening. Yeosang sighed, pressing his spacebar a couple of times just to see if that would help things along.

It didn't.

With another deep sigh, he pushed himself from his desk, rolling his chair back far enough so he'd be able to crawl underneath the desk. He was just about to hit the hard power button when the lighting in the room changed again. The only light he had was coming from his monitors so something must've changed. Slowly, Yeosang crawled back out from under his desk, eyes instantly focusing on the newly changed screens. They were a pleasant dark grey now with a deep purple insignia centered perfectly in the center. He blinked a couple of times, making sure what he was seeing was real.

He jumped up from the ground, letting out an excited shout of success. He was in. He's successfully gotten around every security measure that Agony had boasted was un-hackable to all their adversaries. Sure, it'd taken him four days of practically non-stop work but he'd still succeeded where so many others had failed.

He sat happily back in his desk chair, getting himself situated properly and cracking his knuckles out. He pressed the enter key to enter the database; unsurprisingly though, it asked him for a clearance password. He wasn't at all surprised by this. He'd been prepared for this.

With a few simple clicks, he began running another program to find the passwords he needed. Was testing every password possible a little impractical? Sure, but why change what he knew would work eventually?

While that ran in the background, Yeosang got to work on making sure that his presence within the database wasn't noticed. If there was another thing he was good at besides his tech, it was being invisible. He wasn't worried in the slightest. This was his element. Child's play.

Another ten minutes and Yeosang was free to look at whatever he pleased with Agony's servers. Too easy.

He spent the next couple hours combing through whatever piqued his interest. He wasn't looking for anything in particular yet; once they had a more solid plan for moving forward, he would have a clearer objective.

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