Wooyoung: Say My Name

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Wooyoung's chair clattered loudly against the linoleum floor as a swift punch to the right side of his face sent him flying. Wooyoung couldn't stop his fall, his limbs heavy and his mind clouded from the drugs they had given him. He laid sprawled across the floor; the cold felt nice against his bruising face and limbs so he stayed where he was, enjoying the small comfort while he could.

"I'm not going to ask you again, brat, who is your leader?" One of the masked Agony agents conducting his interrogation practically snarled. He brought a booted foot up to his arm, stepping down harshly, trying to break Wooyoung more than he had already tried before. Wooyoung didn't make a sound in response, his pain tolerance having long been incredibly high. You couldn't be in his line of work without knowing how to handle painful situations. What a joke, he thought to himself. Weren't these interrogations supposed to be the most brutal, the most extreme in the country? Sure, Wooyoung was uncharacteristically good at holding his tongue when it came to protecting the people he loved but he had been expecting more of a challenge. In the what, two... three hours they'd been at this, never once had Wooyoung felt even remotely close to his breaking point. Even now as he laid on the ground, bruised and battered and completely jacked up on what Agony called a "truth serum" to make him more susceptible to suggestion—of which, he was almost completely immune, having long built up a tolerance years ago when he first started—he still felt no desire to sell out his friends to make it all stop. They'd kill him before they got anything out of him, and he was one hundred percent prepared for it.

It was almost laughable how poorly these so-called interrogators were doing. So Wooyoung laughed. The truth serum drugs made his mind fuzzy and all his usual—albeit poor to begin with—inhibitions that stopped him from being an insufferable annoyance were gone in this state. So he laughed, unstoppable and all-consuming laughter filled the cell. It echoed through the small room, high-pitched and mocking, as he laid motionless on the floor where he'd fallen.

"What the fuck are you laughing at?" The interrogator spat, stepping down harder on Wooyoung's arm. He felt a searing crack go up his arm. Yep, that was broken. He kept on laughing despite the pain. He was never going to give in.

"Who is my leader? As if you don't already know that," Wooyoung said around his laughter. "What? Is this your first day? Do you need me to walk you through this process?"

Wooyoung could practically feel the anger coming off the agent at his words. The man stepped off his arm in favor of grabbing his jacket collar and pulling him off the ground. He slammed him against the back wall of the room, getting all up in his face. Though, Wooyoung was even less intimidated than he was before. Maybe it was because the man's mask dulled whatever rage might be on his face. His laughter faded to a barely contained giggle, though he could break out into full laughter again at any moment.

"Listen here, you little shit—"

Wooyoung's mood shifted very quickly at his further attempts at poor intimidation.

"No, you listen here, you little shit," he mocked, his voice taking on a much more serious tone than what he thought possible in this state. "You can keep trying to get information out of me but it's not going to work. But why do you even need information from me? Your dear leader already let it slip that y'all already know everything about us."

A thought suddenly struck Wooyoung. His eyes went wide as a new, shit-eating grin took over his face.

"Unless you don't," Wooyoung continued. "You don't know everything about us, do you? Do you even know my real name?"

"Stop talking," the man hissed, slamming Wooyoung roughly against the wall once more. Of course, Wooyoung wasn't going to listen, however.

"Say it," he whispered through the pain. "Say my name and I'll tell you anything you want to know."

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