Yeosang: Decisions

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The door clicked shut as Mingi and Jongho left the room. Almost instantly, the muffled sound of gunfire once again filled the silence. Yeosang felt an ever-growing twinge of anxiety settle in his stomach as he worried for the safety of the rest of his team, for the safety of Jongho. Jongho... who had been so willing to put Yeosang's life before his own, who had noticed his nerves and knew exactly how to comfort him. How was he ever going to return the kindness Jongho had shown him? For now, all he could do was hope and pray he'd make it out of this alive. As much as Yeosang wanted to stay by his side, he knew, in the end, that his presence out there wouldn't make a difference. Yunho needed him much more than their trained weapons specialist and seasoned bounty hunter ever would.

"Thanks for that," Yunho spoke up now that they were alone. With Mingi gone, the brave front he had been putting on was long gone. It wasn't very good in the first place—his pain probably immeasurable at the moment—but it was even worse now. His voice was barely above a whisper, coming through clenched teeth and full of the pain he was trying to keep under wraps. He looked scared; though, Yeosang couldn't blame him. It didn't look good. For all their careful planning, walking right into the middle of Agony's trap had proven much more detrimental than they had thought.

"For what?" Yeosang asked, transferring the bandana he held against Yunho's shoulder to one hand as he dug through his pants pocket. He fished out his Swiss army knife and a lighter. He'd almost thought against bringing such tools with him, thinking he wouldn't have a need for them. Thankfully, he'd stuffed them in his pocket anyway before running to catch up with the others, a scenario exactly like this playing in his head being the motivating factor.

"For lying to him," Yunho answered. "He never would've left had you said I wasn't going to die."

"But you're not going to die," Yeosang shot back, not even bothering to hold back an eye roll. He did hold back the urge to hit Yunho for saying something so utterly ridiculous, however. He had enough pain to deal with already.

Yeosang cut off a sleeve of his red undershirt at the shoulder, needing more material to work with and having no other layers to shed. He twisted the red cloth up, putting it to Yunho's mouth.

"Now stop being so dramatic and bite down on this. This is going to hurt a lot..."

With two open wounds, Yunho was losing way too much blood. If it kept going on like it was, he wouldn't last long enough for the team to get him to a hospital. The makeshift tourniquet Yeosang had created out of his belt could only stop the flow to Yunho's leg so much without it being detrimental to the limb. One of the wounds had to be closed and fast. He patted Yunho's face, forcing him to open back up his drooping eyes. If Yeosang allowed him to nod off there was a large chance he would never wake back up and he wasn't letting anyone die on his watch. He had to act fast. If Yunho went into shock, that'd be the end of it with these injuries.

He grabbed Yunho's good arm, putting it up to the bandana against his shoulder.

"I just need you to hold this for a moment," he instructed.

"Okay," Yunho agreed quietly around the fabric in his mouth, trying his hardest to keep his eyes open.

Then Yeosang got to work. He flipped open his lighter, sparking it to life as quickly as his trembling fingers would allow. His eyes helped guide him for this part. He needed to seal the wound, but too hot and he'd burn the surrounding skin and do more harm than good. He kept a close eye on the growing temperature as he ran the flame back and forth across the blade. When it got just hot enough, Yeosang closed the lighter, moving quickly so the metal wouldn't cool too much.

"I'm sorry," Yeosang told Yunho. If the man understood what was about to happen, he gave no indication as Yeosang moved the bandana and the layers of clothes out of the way. Yeosang pressed the searing blade to the punctured skin, holding it there for only a few seconds despite how Yunho squirmed. He cried out in pain, barely keeping from outright screaming, biting down hard on the cloth between his teeth. Yeosang grimaced, hating that he had to put his friend through such agony, but they really didn't have any choice. He repeated the process a few more times until the blood was no longer flowing from Yunho's shoulder. It wasn't the most sterile procedure he had ever done but as long as Yunho didn't move too sharply until they could get to a real medical professional, he wasn't at risk of bleeding out on the floor of this conference room for a little longer. They still didn't have a lot of time. He hoped they could finish this quickly for all their sake's.

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