Wooyoung: Three Days

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Three days.

Three whole days had passed since ATEEZ's successful infiltration of Agony's control room; though Wooyoung couldn't decide if they felt like three hours or three years. Time seemed to move so fast and entirely too slow at any given moment. There was just so much to do, so much that had happened... It was probably for the better that there were so many loose ends that needed tying up. With everything that had transpired... keeping busy was their only defense against falling apart completely. Though they had achieved so much in the last few days, it hardly felt like a real victory with everything they had also lost.

Wooyoung's first order of business had been tending to Yunho since their designated make-shift doctor, Yeosang, was infinitely busier with more important matters. It had been a great shock to have San's mother come to his aid while he did his absolute best to keep Yunho awake despite the enormous amount of blood he had lost already. He had only seen the woman once or twice throughout his entire relationship with San since the man in question lived with his grandparents rather than his actual parents and now, he understood why San hardly ever mentioned her. It came as an even greater shock to learn that she had been the doctor in charge of him when he had been Agony's prisoner; though, it did make sense in hindsight now why she had been so unnecessarily nice to him. He hadn't known she was an Agony agent... but he understood why San had never brought it up to him. It was always hard to talk about such painful truths.

She went to the hospital with Mingi after the building had been properly secured, making Wooyoung promise to take good care of San in her stead before getting into the ambulance with Mingi—who was doing a phenomenal job of keeping his emotions in check despite the grave situation—and helping the paramedics with Yunho. Wooyoung was, of course, always going to make sure San was a high priority so it wasn't a hard promise to make and the very next thing he busied himself with after regrouping with the rest of the team.

Upon seeing Wooyoung return to the control room, the first thing San did was kiss him deeply without a care in the world who saw. When they broke apart, Wooyoung feeling a little dazed by the intensity, San still refused to let go of him, holding him tightly and burying his face in Wooyoung's neck. The gravity of everything that had happened and the stress of it all catching up to him at once, causing tears to gather in his eyes and his shoulders to shake ever-so-slightly. Wooyoung held onto him tightly for however long it took for him to calm down, whispering words of comfort the entire time.

"I was just so afraid I was never going to see you again," San whispered, barely holding back sobs.

"I'm right here, Sannie, I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

San eventually let go of him enough so they could walk around again but he hardly traveled far from then onward, not that Wooyoung minded the company. He was just as close to breaking down at a moment's notice, so having San to lean on despite his brave front was such a blessing.

They treated each other's injuries next, Wooyoung cleaning and bandaging San's knuckles. He had never seen him so angry before... The look of absolute anger that had been in his eyes upon seeing the large cut on Wooyoung's arm. It was terrifying, to say the least. Wooyoung had to pull San away from the agent who had initially attacked Wooyoung or else he worried San might've actually killed the man. San had paid much closer attention to Wooyoung as they went about clearing the lower levels after that.

San was very gentle when cleaning and caring for the gash along the length of Wooyoung's right arm, his fingers barely touching him as he worked. He could see the worry plain as day on his face and guilt starting to slowly mix in with it.

"It's not your fault," Wooyoung told him without any words being spoken between them up until that point. San only nodded his head, tying off the gauze he was wrapping around Wooyoung's arm before slowly meeting his gaze once more.

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