Wooyoung: Open Your Eyes

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"Feeling better, I see," Seonghwa said, not even looking up from the multitude of textbooks scattered around him as he wrote neatly in a notebook. Wooyoung stood across from him at the table he sat at. He'd arrived before the people he was going to meet in the same outdoor cafeteria that the whole plan to seduce Seonghwa was devised, but he'd spotted Seonghwa sitting quietly by himself. Without a second of hesitation, Wooyoung had decided to go sit with him till San and Hongjoong got here and they could go get something to eat that wasn't from a vending machine for once. He figured Seonghwa would appreciate some social interaction anyway.

"I guess you could say that," Wooyoung agreed. His injuries from his time in Agony prison had been healing nicely in the week and a half since his escape. His bruises had faded to a dull green, any cuts and scrapes had healed over already, his arm was still in a sling while the fractured bones healed properly but at least his body no longer ached after every little movement. San had forced him to rest for the first week but he really had to go to school again. If his grades slipped, his parents would start paying a lot more attention to how he spent his free time and that would make his involvement with ATEEZ a lot more challenging. "I see you've picked up a few more bruises since we've last met, though."

Seonghwa cleared his throat, pulling at the collar of his turtleneck to cover more of his neck. Wooyoung smirked; the damaged had already been done. He already saw the love bites, no use hiding them at this point, but he found his attempts cute nonetheless.

"I don't really mind these bruises..." Seonghwa said quietly.

"Can't blame you for that," Wooyoung agreed.

Seonghwa clicked his pen closed after dotting one last period in his notes, setting it down and then finally turning his full attention towards Wooyoung. Wooyoung decided he looked... less tired, happier than the last time he'd seen him. Hongjoong had told him about how bad he had looked after presumably, his punishment had ended. Wooyoung was glad that nothing permanent had happened on account of him. He was also incredibly glad Hongjoong's infiltration of the Governor's manor had gone smoothly and he hadn't gotten caught. He didn't think he could stand to see Hongjoong moping around for however long it took him to get over that heartbreak. He also didn't wish that pain on Seonghwa either. Especially after everything he had done for them.

"So did you need something?" Seonghwa asked. "You can sit if you want instead of just standing there. People will start to stare."

Wooyoung snorted at that; Seonghwa cracked a small smile too. As if people weren't already staring at Seonghwa anyway. He sat down across from him at the table anyway, deciding that San and Hongjoong would probably be able to find him here instead of their usual spot regardless. Seonghwa wasn't exactly hard to spot with his bright blond hair and Wooyoung's own lightly dyed grey stood out quite a bit as well.

"I wanted to thank you," Wooyoung started. "I never got the chance before we left..."

"There's no need to thank me," Seonghwa said, waving a dismissive hand. "I only did what was right."

"Yeah, and that saved my life so accept my thanks, jerk, and move on," Wooyoung shot back with an eye-roll. Seonghwa laughed.

"You're a lot less friendly out here," he teased.

"I'm not your prisoner anymore," Wooyoung said. "And you're about to be outnumbered so you better get used to it."

Catching sight of San entering the pavilion now too, he waved the man over, receiving an absolutely stunning smile in return for his efforts.

"Hey babe," San greeted upon coming up to the table. He leaned down, pecking Wooyoung's lips before taking the seat right next to him and scooting in closer on the bench. He gently laced their fingers together under the table. Wooyoung had discovered rather quickly that throughout his and San's sexual relationship, San had really been holding himself back in terms of clinginess. Now that they were officially dating, he could practically never get the man off him. He loved it; though, he might not always show it very well. "You weren't at our usual so I was a little lost there for a second."

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