Chapter 5 - The Tournament

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"Hello everyone!" The speakers blared through the entire stadium. "Welcome to the U. A Basketball Tournament!"

A loud cheer echoed across the stadium. "I am your host for today, Present Mic and with me here I have-" There was a brief silence. "Aizawa." The other voice said. The silence continued after that. "Way to kill the mood but the show must go on folks!" The audience cheered again. "I didn't hear that folks, louder!" Yelled Present Mic. The audiences cheers grew and their excitement filled the whole stadium. It could be heard all the way from the locker room where Team Deadshot was kept waiting.

"Oh my gosh, I can feel the goosebumps on my arms." Misaki stroked the length of her arms. I threw the can of energy drink I just emptied into a dry bin beside the couch. "Remember what we practised," I responded as I headed my way to the mirror to tie my hair in a bun. The door to our room suddenly opened. "Hello guys, are we ready?" Midnight pushed the door by just a crack to peer through. All of us were waiting for the staff to call on us anyway. "Yea, better than ever." Toya raised a fist in the air as an assurance. At the moment, Midnight stood away from the door to speak to another entity beside her. "Alright! Line up. It's time." She said when her head popped back into the room. She jerked her head signalling us to the exit.

"Do you need the loo now, Tsukki?" Sakura looked over to him one last time before we left the room. He hid his face but he was red all over. "I-I managed it this time." He stuttered. "Well okay," She responded plainly following the rest out of the door.

We stood just behind the glass door to the stadium in the order of our heights. Misaki was first, I was second, Toya was third, Tsukki was fourth and Sakura was fifth. "Yo Rylie," Sakura called from the back. "Did Coach Ukai send subs? I didn't see them around."

"He said Yuji and Naoko from the second year will be here." I shrugged in response. "Aah! Thank god!" said two males in black jerseys rushing over to us. "Sorry, took us some time," said Yuji, the green-haired male. "We were so lucky that this teacher who called himself Cementoss guided us here. We were so lost." Naoko, the other male with brown dreadlocks huffed.

"Right, keep your bags there and join up." Sakura jerked a thumb at our locker room. The two scurried inside, dumped their gym bags, undid the jerseys they wore over their uniforms and hastily joined the line behind Sakura. Tsukki adjusted the boys ahead of Misaki as per their height. Midnight walked ahead of us with a basketball at her hip. "Good Luck!" She turned and winked at us, her curves shadowed certain features against the sunlight behind her. She held a whip in her other hand.

"And introducing Midnight to do the honours." The voice from the speakers stopped. I saw Midnight as she pulled the door and cat-walked into the stadium. The audience cheered as she appeared on the podium. "Thank you Present Mic!" She winked at the mic station above the stadium hoping to send it to him. "Ohh! I sense so much of youthful energy." She turned to the audience of students seated around her. "The matches will be in two ten minute halves with a five-minute break during half time. So, let's not waste any more time!" She squealed. "To my right is a team which won seven medals against three schools in the past inter-school matches, Team U. A!" The audience in blue roared and screamed. "And to my left, the team from Aldera High who has been a rising star of this year, Team Deadshot!"

"Ah! That's our queue!" Misaki nervously pushed Naoko ahead of her who stumbled on Yuji out of the door. We followed in succession. The three-storied deck of seats was filled with students, half in blue from U. A and half in black from Aldera High. The centre had a rectangular stadium where it hadn't been earlier. It was slightly raised with cement and covered with wood. The Aldera High side of the audience was cheering for us. All of us waved to the audience, but couldn't decide which side to face.

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