Chapter 14 - Into the deep...

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Art Credit: In the picture :)

The day hasn't been normal since. During math lecture, Midoriya was called out of class. When it was time to head for training, he returned. "What happened, you look down." I jogged up to him. His large round eyes met mine with a hopeful look but it failed.

"Deku-kun, what are you upset about?" Ochaco joined us. Midoriya reluctantly shook his head. "I'm fine," he raised a fist to his shoulders. After getting dressed in my sports uniform, I headed with the class to the bus. All Might stood in front. "Class, we are heading to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. This training exercise will be about rescue training. Again, this will be a team assignment. Bakugo and Todoroki," He looked at the two at different corners of the bus. The blond scoffed and looked away and Todoroki paid attention. "I hope the two of you can put your practice to good use." Todoroki nodded at All Might.

The bus reached the dome-shaped building. Aoyama shrunk into his arms, hugging himself tightly. "I don't want to relive that moment."

Iida rested a comforting hand for him. We all gathered inside. The building was spacious and was segregated into eight zones. "So for your assignment, you will divided into teams of four. As a team, it is your job to locate and rescue the hostage from the disaster zone. Of course, the villain will not let you that easy. Defeat the villain and bring the hostage to safety." He pointed to 'here'. "Meet me after half an hour. Complete the objective in time and you pass."


The downpour zone was gloomy, dark and eerily abandoned. There wasn't any sign of life, except the moss growing in the cement. "I'm glad to be put here - kero." Asui trotted ahead of me on all her fours. "I wish I had brought a spare umbrella," Jiro hugged her body. She was shivering in her drenched clothes. "There's no one far in the distance. How are we going to find the villain?" Sato surveyed his environment. Jiro sneezed. "There are so many buildings here, it will take us forever to find the hostage - kero" Asui hopped on all her fours, surveying the small alleyways as we passed them. "There has to be a clue somewhere." I furrowed by eyebrows.

"Jiro, can you scan the buildings?" I combed the drenched tresses off my face. She nodded. She squatted on the cement, the cords on her earlobes snaked to the ground. She bore a little hole to fit the audio jacks into the ground. We waited silently, only hearing the rain-drops hit our heads. "I can't hear much. The rain is too noisy." She lifted her face up at the team. Sato, who was munching a strawberry glazed donut, swallowed the rest in his mouth. He approached an SUV parked on the side of the road and lifted it with his bare hands to shelter Jiro from the rain. "Thanks," Jiro closed her eyes and concentrated on her quirk.

We waited for ten minutes in silence, patiently listening to the patter of the rain-drops. She removed the audio jacks from the cement and rose to full height. "Somewhere way ahead in the distance, there is a faint sound of shuffling. As if, a body has succumbed to the floor." She extended a finger down the road. Sato rested the SUV back to the ground. "Let's go - kero." Asui commanded. She wall-jumped on the verticals of the sky rises, surveying inside the windows carefully before proceeding. We ran after her. "Stop, let's scan again." I said after we had covered a kilometer down the road. Jiro extended her cords to the ground again, feeling for any sounds resonating beneath our feet.

"Rylie, can you scan and locate the enemy's data or something -kero?" Asui stood on her two feet. "There is nothing for me to feel the pulse on," I looked around at the pure gray urban concrete in the city. The rain had stained the cement for good.

"There are cables running above the buildings." Sato raised his head to the sky, shielding his vision from the heavy downpour. Indeed, there were cables running far above our heads. "I need a way to get up there." I realised. "I can handle that. Follow me - kero." Asui hopped on all hero fours, directing me into a narrow alleyway. The two buildings left a thin gap which formed the alleyway. It only had room for a few bins.

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